What do you think about marriage?

I never thought i would get married but in 7 months time i'll be Mrs Carr lol. I guess Thea changed the way i think, I hate that she doesnt have the same name as me and i get this sad feeling whenever it comes up in a conversation with someone.
I love Richard with all my heart and what i once thought it was was just an expensive piece of paper, now feels like the next step on our journey together :)
I personally love being married, however, I don't see my relationship as any different or more superior than a couple who aren't married. I think it is a deeply personal choice. I loved having a big celebration with all of our friends, but I certainly did not go over the top or loose sight about what our wedding day actually meant...we were making a committment to each other, witnessed by our nearest and dearest. People who don't get married but commit to raising a child together or buying a house together are just as committed in my view.
The other big benefit is the name thing. I am a bit of a traditionalist and I love the fact the OH, me and baby will have the same name. I can't give a sensible or rational argument for this, I just like it.
I just got married a week ago and I love being married, I think seperation whether it involves divorce or not is difficult on a child I don't think you will take away from how hard it is for them to cope whether your married or not.

I got married because I know my husband is the man I want to spend the rest of my life with and it means alot to me for us to be official family theres no guarentees in life it may not work out but to me if I died tomorrow I die as his wife and that means alot to me - as odd and morbid as it may sound. If you don't personally believe in marrage then thats your personally feelings and perfectly normal just because you love someone or have been together a long time doesnt mean you have to be married to them.

You also dont have to have a big service or marry in a church its the person your marrying and why you are marrying them that matters not the service or day itself, I had a small wedding with about 20 guests all close family and friends who I knew were there because they loved us and wanted to share in our happiness and it was the best day of my life, it didnt cost a fortune the wedding was in a registry office and done on a budget and with all the money in the world I wouldnt change a second of it!
lol well i was getting kind of convinced there but my dad just walked out of the house with his wallet and keys about an hour ago and doesn't look to be coming back,not that im suprised my mum is mental,to all intents and purposes.

im in shock
zebrastripes said:
lol well i was getting kind of convinced there but my dad just walked out of the house with his wallet and keys about an hour ago and doesn't look to be coming back,not that im suprised my mum is mental,to all intents and purposes.

im in shock

Oh dear. Are you ok? :(
I used to be so against marriage, thought it was just a silly piece of paper and also I have never been religious so that probably had a lot to do with it as well. I hate the thought of a big wedding as I hate being the centre of attention. But now I'm starting to think being married would be nice, part of me and OH's journey together and a declaration we can make in front of family and friends. It would have to be very small though (as in 10 people!) and would have to be in a garden or something with a civil celebrant.

Having a family is more important to me than being married, of course my opinion may change in the future.
Many people have said that the divorce rates put them off of marriage. But people can split up even if they are not married. It doesn't matter whether you've been married for 10 years or together for 10 years, splitting up would be difficult and messy.
I love being married! I love that we all have the same name and I love being known as Chris' wife. We didn't need to get married but we wanted to and I feel it was the best decision we have made. We love each other more than anything in the world so why not? It wasn't to show off or anything like that because we went off by ourselves and did it because it was about us. My sister and brother in law were there to witness it and that was enough for us. We had an amazing day and everyone was really happy for us afterwards. We've been married nearly 2 years now and I love every moment of it.

I think it's totally down to personal choice! You don't have to be married and yes divorce can be messy but break ups in general can be messy and have an effect on a child so I don't think it really makes much difference.
lou said:
zebrastripes said:
lol well i was getting kind of convinced there but my dad just walked out of the house with his wallet and keys about an hour ago and doesn't look to be coming back,not that im suprised my mum is mental,to all intents and purposes.

im in shock

Oh dear. Are you ok? :(

Yes,he came back after a couple of hours but it's not looking good. Part of me just wishes they'd hurry up and seperate but part of me doesn't.plus I am so screwed if they do,i'd prob have to come out of school.
zebrastripes said:
lou said:
zebrastripes said:
lol well i was getting kind of convinced there but my dad just walked out of the house with his wallet and keys about an hour ago and doesn't look to be coming back,not that im suprised my mum is mental,to all intents and purposes.

im in shock

Oh dear. Are you ok? :(

Yes,he came back after a couple of hours but it's not looking good. Part of me just wishes they'd hurry up and seperate but part of me doesn't.plus I am so screwed if they do,i'd prob have to come out of school.

I hope they work things out :hug:

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