What do you miss??

I personally think iof you dont have nouts, your baby has more chance of developing an allergy as they have never had them. what do i know though? lol x
yes dr pepper has caffiene, i bloody love that x
loads my friend got addicted to it and had to have anti depressents the doctors went mad at her i tghought she was bein silly but she really wasnt i was like omg!!!
seriously...dr pepper?! I knew fizzy drinks are bad for you but...
yer dr pepper it was the sugar and caffine she had to have mild anti depressents coc the doc said the amount she drank and how angry she got if she didnt have it might have not been good for her and baby she was scarry when she was pregnant like a mad man lol
she had like 8- 12 of them indiivual bottles a day tho or 2 or 3 of them big bottles . . so im moderation x
oh my thats some serious pop consumption...and IM the one facing gestational diabetes...how unfair is this world?!
i know enit i have to be tested every 2 years let alone in pregnancy i have to have 1 test so its not ghood what other people can get away with enit man
i misss runnnny eggs!!!! can we not have them at all?!? and i miss watermelon bacardi!!! haha
my doc told me that peanuts were fine if neither me or my hubby dont have allergies. i was querying because his sister is allergic. i dont eat nuts tho but i did treat myself to a snickers!!! LOL!! xx
so far, I'm not really missing anything! I've never been much of a drinker, have never really drunk anything with caffeine in, don't like runny eggs (I know, weird lol!), don't like pate or liver and don't particularly like mouldy cheese! The only thing I did miss at first were the dreaded ciggies but now I've stopped for a couple of months the thought of a fag just disgusts me! I guess I would like to be able to eat more seafood....and more tuna, but I probably ate too much tuna anyway!
DH did me a poached egg this morning after this thread...it was yum, not overly runny but not hard either :cloud9:
so far, I'm not really missing anything! I've never been much of a drinker, have never really drunk anything with caffeine in, don't like runny eggs (I know, weird lol!), don't like pate or liver and don't particularly like mouldy cheese! The only thing I did miss at first were the dreaded ciggies but now I've stopped for a couple of months the thought of a fag just disgusts me! I guess I would like to be able to eat more seafood....and more tuna, but I probably ate too much tuna anyway!

Sounds like you were good and ready to get pregnant!! I forgot about pate, I LOVE it even though I dont buy it very often, the other week when I still had sickness the only thing I could imagine eating was pate on toast. Shame I had to have plain toast!! Knowing my luck it'll be the thing I crave!!
Ive just had the list read out to me by dr, and i cant believe it , it had COLA on it.

OMG thats my downfall.... i drink loads... maybe a good thing as i still want to lose weight and this might just get me started.:)
I miss.. not being able to put on socks, not being able to move humanly :lol:, runny eggs, crunchy nut cornflakes, kp dry roasted and salt and vinegar nuts mmm, and my god do I miss shopping! Going shopping while preg, everything you look at is loose and comfy, roll on post baby wardrobe! :D
I missed nuts, hugely even craved them :wall:
I'm only just over 9 weeks, and known I was pregnant for 1 week so I can't say I miss anything yet. But I must say, feeling like I need to wee almost all the time is getting ridiculous, I feel like I'm bursting to go but when I get there it's just a pathetic trickle!
I am really missing bloody meat....erm as in rare and not swaering about missing meat!!!:)

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