what do you HATE about your house?

I like our apartment, althought I would love a bigger kitchen
Another thing I hate is that we have to light the fire to get hot water. Which is not so bad in the winter obviously, but its torturous in the summer if it's hot!

And the dust a real fire generates is unreal :twisted:
Hate the fact that no jobs ever get completely finished, and its bloody freezing!!! Heating bills are huge! :roll:
The flat itself is really nice as it's quite new but it's on the first floor and I'm fed up of lugging the pushchair up and down the stairs lol. I would like a garden as well. :D
Theres nothing I hate about our house, I absolutely love it - oh apart from the mortgage that is :lol:
I have no bathroom window, or upstairs hall window, as our (modern) cottage sits between two others. It's awfully dark when the bedroom doors are closed and we have to keep them closed otherwise our cat will destroy things if we leave the doors open. She's already ruined a pair of my shoes by clawing at them and biting :(
I'd love love love stairs - to go upstairs to bed! And then everyone who came into my house wouldn't have to walk past and spy on my tip of a bedroom!

Valentine Xxx
The fact my garden looks like a building site (which it is), the breeze block walls, bare floors, wires hanging loose, the space where the fire used to be covered in a bit of cardboard, the hole from the bathroom to the kitchen :shock: the dust, the building materials stacked up the stairs, the fact that all my books, cds and dvds are packed up...and the fact that all this won't be sorted by Christmas

but the bits that are done I love :cheer: my posh kitchen, huuuuuge french doors and my new heating and boiler - and the rest will be done after Christmas.

Of course then I'll get my bfp and we'll have to start again - on a loft conversion for DS :roll:
the doors are all goosed! grr it bugs me so much
my dads just fixed 2 but nearly every door in the house either wont close properly, or wont open properly

oh, and we hav no front garden, our front door just opens out into the street and i hate that! my parents house had a big front garden, with a private road infront of it and a field beyond that- so moving here was a big shock! i feel really exposed, when i enter the house the front way iv got people walking behind me who can see in *shudders*

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