What do you hate about winter?

I voted rain.

I also have to walk Brooke to school everyday, Yesterday it was peeing it down, i habdn't even got half way to school and i was soaked through to my clothes! Olivia kept pull the flap on her raincover so she as also a little wet and cold and was moaning all the way there and back :wall: ! It was also blowing like a gale.

I hate all weather conditions in the winter, if i could vote them all i would have :x
I love winter, only thing I hate is when it has been snowing and then a day or so later all the paths are icy, its sooooo dangerous :shock:
I agree with Fran23. I HATE getting up when it's dark and coming home when it's dark. I have even considered getting a light box - I don't get that SAD thing but I do go a bit loopy with the lack of sunlight. It's always the shock of waking up, thining you have a few hours more sleep left and realising the alarm is about to go off. If the moon it still out it is nighttime in my eyes. And nighttime is for SLEEPING!!!!
I hate it when it rains its like having a cold shower :(

Rain and windy is really bad!!

Having to defrost the car in a morning for the school run
not being able to peg the washing out
gardens look like sh1t
Dog is always wet/muddy and trails it into the house
high heating bills
dark and miserable

thats it really, can u tell i'm in a happy mood
I like winter - I just hate short days and long dark nights :(
I love winter.. but then Spain doesn't really get winter like the UK.. :rotfl:

We have less tourists, less people, its quiet, its lovely during the day and only cold (but cosy cold) at night...

I suppose the two bad things about winter here are a) cold feet... because we have tiles everywhere which just zap the heat from your feet... and b) the shops are all closed on Sunday.. :roll:

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