What do you eat on Xmas Day?

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Sep 13, 2009
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What is your Xmas day menu?

Traditional? Out of the ordinary? Just another day?
It's got to be turkey!! I don't really like turkey as it's quite dry but it's so traditional!! We start with soup for starter, turkey with all the trimmings for main then either Christmas pud or mince pies with custard or cream for dessert!!

Omg... I'm so hungry thinking of this!!
We have a choice of soup or prawn cocktail for starters then either roast duck, chicken or beef (I hate turkey it makes me yak) with all the trimmings especially cranberry stuffing and cocktail sausages wrapped in bacon, then OH gets a little Christmas pudding to himself as I hate christmas pudding (and cake) and we have jelly, syrup sponge pudding and pistachio chocolate fudge. Then after dinner we have prawn vol u vents and lots of 'picky' things like pretzles and popcorn. Anything left over (except the prawns) gets eaten in boxing day x
Omg can't beat sausages wrapped in bacon and cranberry stuffing!!
Turkey with all the trimmings and then mince pies with ice cream for pudding.

Why can't it be Christmas now???!!!
Definately turkey! None of us eat pudding or cake in our house so we have chocolate log ice cream cake from the creamery for afters.. Lush!
we have a bit of a random fry up, then dont eat til like 3 and its always roast something, usually turkey, all the trimmings, proper traditional, xmas pud or mince pies (hot) and its soooooo good!! i love xmas dinner!! cannot wait for that part!! lol. x
If a takeaway was open, I would choose Chinease or indian, as aspecial treat instead as the traditional bit for me is our little family round the table having some quality time and pigging out on food your don't normally have

We try a different meat each year, I have never even brought a turkey as it's boring , nasty and dry!

This year we are going to spend £20 on a bit of buffalo from hampshire , OH wants to try it!
Last year my mum and dad came for the first time and they brought a goose, which was yum!
Normally lamb or pork tho. We have all the rest like the sausages wrapped in bacon, lots veg and gravy and yorkshire puds, roast pots and roast parsnips and roasted veg- Followed by chocky sponge and custard as the kids like that,

We always have home boiled ham on toast for a tradional family breakfast tho

tea and boxing day will be unusal snacks like spring rolls, dips and peanuts and prawns and pringles, pate and brie! (only not this year..boo hooo)

We go back to normal meals the day after boxing day, before we bore of eating junk!
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I usually do duck in plum sauce but i might go for Lamb this year. Can't do beef as mum is allergic and turkey is a bit dry for me.

Mez xxxxxxxx
ekk i really dont like turkey, we dont have it for crimbo in sweden tho.
we have turkey (me and my brother are both vegetarian so we have quorn turkey)
roast potatoes, stuffing, veg like peas and carrots and gravy,
for pudding we have things like gateau or trifle :)
soo want it to be Christmas! X
We have turkey, boiled then roasted ham with cloves, roasties, sausages in bacon (my fave) and the rest is the usual.
Choc log maybe for desert.
At in laws it's always either melon or prawn cocktail to start but my own family don't bother with starters.
I always have to have it with bucketloads of cranberry sauce and bread sauce cos I love them both.
Left overs are always eaten on boxing day along with stuff like cheese n crackers and Pate on crusty bread
I think I might actually be drooling at the thought :lol: x
Eeeeee can't wait for my crimbo dinner now! Best part of xmas day...oops apart from the kids opening their pressies of course haha!

Does everyone make their own gravy too? I'm drooling at the thought :lol:
Oh were def tradional in our house!

Usually a home made soup with home made bread rolls (last year was celeriac and apple).....
Carrot and giner this year I think!

Always have Turkey with ALL the trimmings and another joint usually beef as its our fav!

Traditional Christmas Pudding with home made brandy cream!

Mince Pies and coffee and little truffles around the table to munch on after lunch!

Our chrismas lunch usually takes about 4 hours to eat tho as we just take our time and dont rush from one course to another!

Ahhh I cant tell you ladies how excited I get its actually rediculous but I dont care I absolutely everything about christmas!!!

Then depending on where we go on Xmas day evening we have turkey and cranberry buns and oven munchies and nibbles, play games and enjoy the quality time together!

Boxing day I usually have everyone to ours and make a turkey curry again with all the trimmings and all the family come over and celebrate all over again!!! xxx
I seem to be the odd one out! Since we had Hannah we've just had a bit of a buffet as we didnt think she would sit patiently at the table for us to eat a traditional xmas dinner. This way we can pick and eat as and when we want and spend the rest of the day playing with the kids and their new toys and the visitors that stop by throughout the day
Definately has to be homemade gravy! And homemade soup and rolls! Yum yum yum! When I lived in Manchester we always went to my sisters for Christmas day and she did turkey, beef and ham!! Dread to think how much it bloody cost her! x

We have a buffet sort of dinner on Christmas eve x I'm getting a bit more christmassy now!
we go to my OH's dads for xmas and we do it traditional, but also with either lamb or beef ( i hate turkey) sausage in bacon yummy.
for pudding there is a choice of trifle, xmas pudding or chocolate pudding. other then watching my DD open presents the food is the best part.
then in the evening we go over to my mums for another meal, and my mum usually does pork or lamb.
cant wait - come on xmas xxxx
My family have traditional but I am such a fussy eater I have chicken mash and gravy :lol:
Oh and maybe a roast potato if I'm feeling adventurous :blush:
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