What do wish you had done?

I'd have liked to have been married rather than just engaged.

Nothing else though. There is no financial changes that would have made much of a difference to be honest x
Im ttc atm and I think about this A LOT

I'm married (registry office doo - the marriage means more to me than the extravagance and cost of a wedding)

I have a bought house (its a 20 or 25yr mortgage no chance am I waiting til that's paid lol) I would like a bigger house but ive a 3 bedroom with good enough sized back garden so don't NEED to move. Currently in the middle of decorating to how we would like

We have a car each. Neither of which have any faults etc and arent that old

We have a 25 yr membership to go away on luxury all inclusive holidays each year

Hubby has a good job hes been there 7 years
I have a chemical engineering degree which I don't use
My current job pays enough but I hate it and cant face going back which causes me immense stress
But I don't want to wait until I'm somewhere new for a year just to get maternity pay
Plus you cant say how long it'd take to find another job. If ill like it. If I'll pass probation.
You cant put a time on ttc. Could be first cycle. Could be 2 years
We will just see what comes first
Hopefully baby. A job can come whenever...!

The only other thing I REALLY want first is to lose weight
I started this year about 5-6 stone over weight
I've managed to lose just over 2
Ideally id be able to lose another couple of stone first but it does worry me that vigorous exercise would shake bean loose if I didnt find out straight away lol :(

So a good enjoyable permanent job would be ideal
Losing weight preferable x

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