what do u think??


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2010
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so i ahve a small fram, 7 and a half stone... :s ...,.......do u think im more likely to have a C section???? .....im hoping natural birth offcourse xxx
My cousin has a tiny frame,she's just over 5 ft tall and weighs about 7stone wet thru...she's had 2 healthy babies,naturally with no problems xx
nope you will be able to go natural im only small and 7 st 4 and i have had all 4 of mine naturally xx
way hay. i have hope =).....cuz went to clinic get cloods taken and im being consultant led cuz im under the ideal BMI , well well the nurse as nice as she was there said it was cuz i didnt have the frame to give birth... what the fuckkkk grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr xxx
I'm only 5ft 4 and 7st and had a baby naturally no problem x
way thats my heigh/ weight althought im 7 and a half stone at 18 weeks :s my bumb isss smalll heh
I know someone that's quite small and weighs about the same, and she had a great natural birth, no tears or anything, you should be fine! X
bump ** oops...baby mind...on a plus///my boobs have grown...ding dong!!!
i would say no problem i am only 5ft 1 and petite, it was the size 3 shoe that they said may cause the problem with me delivering a baby because apparently your show size is same size as pelvis but that was 14 years ago now and they dont even ask you your show size anymore so i presume that all changed I have had 5 babies no problems, no stitches with 1st 4 only had stitches with last cause he basically flew out my labour was minutes so no time for stretching. PLus when i thought i was really big i asked for growth scan cause was worried it would be too big for me, they told me you only make babies big enough for you, and when people have c sections its normally down to not dilating or another issue. So i wouldn't worry about it.
I was tiny (before pregnancy) and pretty sure I'm expected to have a natural birth :)

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