anyone choose to opt for a natural birth after an C Section?

Jen & Her Men

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2007
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I had to have an emergency C section with James, mainly due we think to him being so large.

I would dearly DEARLY love a natural birth this time round but the midwife today didnt fancy my chances as im likely to have another big baby, and even if its more average sized there is also a chance my pelvis is too small to give birth naturally anyway...

However I am wanting to explore ALL my options and do what I can to have a natural birth...whilst at the same time I want to avoid another emergency C section if poss...

So I was wondering how many of you had emergency c sections and then chose to have natural births, and what the outcome was?

Why did you have an emergency C section in the first place and what was the outcome second time round? Where you successful in having a natural birth or did you have to have another c section? Where you advised against by your doc but went for it anyway?

As much info as poss would be gratefully received!!
mm was it paradysso who had one? :think:

re. the narrow pelvis thing i was worried about that too my hips are extremely narrow, very very boyish. but they make way im tellin u they are noticeably wider now! theres a big massive gap between my legs now where i believe the bones have been pushed apart (only explaination!?!)

good luck obviously the meds kno best for u as individual but discuss it wit them and best of luck if they giv u the go-ahead. :hug:
I chose to have a natural birth after a c section and was successful! I had an emergency one last time due to failure to progress past 4cm and this time I still went over due and had to be induced but it worked and I got my vbac! My doctors didn't advise against me having one, they encouraged it. I'm guessing they will be more hesitant because of the short time in pregnancies but that doesn't mean you can't do it. I would suggest putting together all your questions for when you see your consultant and they will be able to give more info on what to expect and if it's possible. Just to say though that my first baby was 8lb 8.5oz and they kept going on about a huge baby this time but she was lighter at 7lb 13oz!
I had to have an emergency c-section last year. My waters broke and I didn't go into labour on my own, so I was then induced which failed as my baby was in the wrong postion and then they couldn't get the spinal anaesthetic needle in the right place after numerous attempts so I had to have my caesarean under general anaesthetic. It was a run of bad luck that I really wanted to avoid when I got pregnant again earlier this year, so I booked a home birth and bought a birth pool. My babys due mid October and Im looking forward to the birth. Midwives have been great, really supportive, but the hospital were against it and tried to talk me out of it. No saying it will all go to plan this time but I feel like I've saved myself 9 months of worry cos i hated the whole hospital/induction/caesarean thing so much. Do some research, and go with what feels right for you.

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