What did your lo eat today? (TW & BLW)

at the minute Madison is eating everything now! ~She loves spicy food and doesnt like gravy but she loves white sauce etc !! she has her mums taste buds!! she loves cold pasta, chilli noodles, crackabread, shell eat anything!! :) xxx

7.30am, 8oz milk
9.30am 2 rusks with 4oz milk
12 little star yogurt, home made sweet potato and carrot mash with baby pasta
14, snack.. rice cake, carrot puffs (and a lot of mess!!!)
17. steamed carrot and broccoli --- just got sqquished and dropped on floor. & apple and pear HIPP pudding (demolished)
7pm... 8oz milk
7.30am 4 oz milk
9.am baby wheat flakes mixed with 4 oz milk
11.30am stage one jar cottage pie and a banana and apple fruit pot
1pm 3oz milk
3pm fruit custard pot
5pm ellas kitchen stage two oaty crumble pouch
6pm 7oz milk

He's really not into his milk now hes weaned but he would eat food all day if id let him!
6.30am 3oz milk
8am Bannana and raisin porridge mixed with 3oz milk
12pm ham sandwich, cucumber and 2 carrot puffs + half a yogurt.
2.30pm 5oz milk
4.30pm mashed tuna pasta and vegetables with half fruit pot for dessert
7.30pm 4oz milk
6am 7oz milk
8am banana porridge
11.45am cottage cheese sandwich, strips cheese, banana strips & 1/2jar apple/banana dessert + 3oz beaker milk
3.30pm 6oz milk
5pm 1/4jar Organix spaghetti Bol & 1/2 fruit pot
7.15pm 6oz bedtime milk
7.30am, 8oz milk
9.30am, 1 weetabix made with 4oz milk (only half eaten)
12.00 HIPP organic stage 2 jar veg risotto (only half eaten), & small Hipp jar apple and pear pudding
5pm, home made chicken squash and sweet potato mash,1 petit filous yoghurt
7pm 4oz bottle (should have been his usual 8oz bedtime bottle)
10pm 8oz bottle

and he slept for 8 hours!!! wooo
8:30am - 6oz bottle and banana pancakes
11:30 - (early lunch today!) - pasta with baked beans and a lil bit of cheese
1:30 - 6oz bottle
4:30 - cauiflour + beetroot + peas , then apple and banana porridge
7pm - 7 oz bottle

7am, 8oz milk
9am rusk with 3oz milk
12, pork and apple roast dinner, 1 little star
2 2 carrot puffs and a rice cake
5pm HIPP veg lasagne, apple and rice pudding
7am 8oz milk
11 6oz Hipp organic goodnight milk

slept till 9am!
Today she had...

7:30 - 7oz milk
10:30 - Fruity cereal
1:30 - 5oz milk
4:30 - Fish bake and yogurt
7:30 6oz bottle
8:15am - 7oz formula
11:30 am - (late, we was out) weetabix
2pm - 5 oz formula
5pm - Chicken/sweet potato/red pepper, then apple n banana fromage frais
7:30pm - 7oz formula
So far Odhrán has had his milk and a banana, isn't too fussed at the minute so will try him with something a bit later x
breakfast: half weetabix made with 3oz milk, 2oz milk from sippy cup
lunch: half jar HIPP spaghetti carbonara, 1 cow and cate apple & pear fruit pot (we were out!)
afternoon snack: 2 carrot puffs, 1 little star yogurt
dinner: home made fish,potato & veg with grated cheese. (small portion, this was his first fish experience!)
bedtime bottle, 8oz HIPP goodnight milk.
Breakfast: 8oz bottle.
lunch: potato and carrot mash, little star yoghurt. water
afternoon snack: cow&gate apple and custard
dinner: home made poached fish (poached in 9oz formula) with cheesy broccoli mash. water.

an 8oz bedtime bottle is awaiting him!
breakfast- porridge -made with 3 ozs of first milk and 2ozs drunk
Lunch-carrot potatoe cabbage cauliflower and broccolli and rice pudding
Tea- macaroni cheese with cauliflower and broccoli through it
bedtime 7oz 6 month plus milk
breakfast - porridge with strawberry and apple
snack - 12 blueberries (they just kept on going in his mouth lol, he loves them!)
lunch - homemade cottage pie
snack - stick of celery
dinner - homemade spaghetti bolognese
snack - whole banana

he also breast fed 6 times today, I'm still waiting for him to start dropping his milk feeds, we're still feeding on demand though and he's showing no signs of wanting any less yet!
Noa loves blueberries too! Can cahal really eat the celery? Noa likes sucking on it but don't eat any of it.
spaghetti and toast yoghurt
mash and veg rice pudding
Noa loves blueberries too! Can cahal really eat the celery? Noa likes sucking on it but don't eat any of it.

He kinda strips out the flesh with his teeth until it's just stringy bits then turns it round to eat from the other side. I always get handed a blob of chewed up dribbly celery string about 10 minutes later! It's really not right just how much that kid loves celery lol!!
Breakie - Devon missed porridge today as he is a bit poorly and he got up twice early, 345 and 545am, and so we did BF only.

Lunch - had carrot and parsnip purree, but wouldn't eat it!, so as hes under the weather will give tea he will def eat

Tea - Apple Puree and custard

About a million breastfeeds throughout the day too
6oz milk
Baby muesli made with 3oz milk
Apple and Peach Fruit Pot
5 oz milk
Stage 1 Jar Sweet Potato Bake
Apple and Pear Fruit Pot
6 oz milk
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