What did your lo eat today? (TW & BLW)

I'm so jealous of you all :( my baba is still poorly sick and isn't eating :(
Today Drake had -

8oz milk
Crackerbread with Marmalade & Half a banana
6 oz milk
Cheese & pickle sandwich
6oz milk
Beef Strips in Fajhita spices, peppers & onions all with a salsa sauce.
8oz milk
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Thanks chick x he's bright eyed and bushy tailed this morning so fingers crossed :)
Today Kian Had -
Breakfast- Weetabix and some banana
Dinner- Pasta and tomato + veg sauce and a yoghurt
Snack- A few wotsits lol
Tea- Chicken Casserole and Rice Pudding

8oz bottle
Fruity porridge
5oz bottle
Jam sandwiches, 2 slices of watermelon, cucumber sticks, a handful of raisins, carrot puffs, biscotti and a frube for lunch (he was hungry)
Sweet potato and chicken and fruit pot for tea
7oz bottle of bedtime
8oz bottle
Fruity porridge
5oz bottle
Jam sandwiches, 2 slices of watermelon, cucumber sticks, a handful of raisins, carrot puffs, biscotti and a frube for lunch (he was hungry)
Sweet potato and chicken and fruit pot for tea
7oz bottle of bedtime

Maybe a ridiculas question Lacey's mum but what jam is in the sandwiches if you don't mind me asking?
Just asda smartprice strawberry jam. It's prob got loads of sugar in but I don't give him it often x.
i wondered bout jam too cos the low sugar ones are full of sweeteners which are far worse than sugar :/ but i think i wud rather she had sugar than anything artificial so i bought ordinary jam too :) xx
Noa had scramble eggs for breakfast, lasagna for lunch and boiled cod, rice n broccoli n carrot for dinner. Snacks was melon n pear
oh snap Evelina, owen had lasagne for dinner! loved it! but the tomato still makes his skin itchy and we had to cut it short to stick him in the bath!
also had avocado and tomato salad and little piece of garlic bread.

Breakkie was squished blueberries, banana and cream cheese on toast, lunch was tuna, sweetcorn and pea omlette with peach for pudding.
Well Devon has been weaning for 2 weeks now, we were going to wait for 6 months and go for BLW this time, but he started waking again in the night after sleeping through fine so we went for it at 16 weeks.

Today Devon had -

Boobie Feed
Baby Porridge
Boobie Feed
Boobie Feed
Puree Carrot followed by Boobie Feed
He will have a bath and then his last Boobie Feed at 820pm for a 9pm bedtime

We have only tried Carot, sweet potato and parsnip so far and two types of plain porridge.
I have just brought spinich and brocoli and apples today to cook up into icecubes for his new tastes this week!!

2am... 7oz milk
7am... 7ozmilk
9am... baby cereal mixed with 2oz milk
12.... 7oz milk
1pm chicken and potato puree, little star yogurt
4.30 pm... half HIPP jar carbonara, & cow and gare apple & custard fruit pot
6.30pm... 7oz milk and bed

hes been drinking loads of milk the last few days... dreading night feeds tonight =(
6.30am 6oz bottle
7.15am stage 2 fruity porridge
10.30am 7oz bottle
12.00pm homemade pear purée with mashed in rusks, frube, 2 biscotti's
5.00pm homemade spag Bol, fruit pot for pudding
6.30pm 6oz bedtime bottle
Yesterday Jacob had:

B: 1 wheetibix with cows milk and a whole banana
L: Beans on toast, mango and watermelon
D: Homemade chilli con carne and riice, fromage frais

Snacks were half a satsuma, 3 rice cakes and a driied apricot

J is nearly 9 months. He's having his first roast dinner today! Also 5 breastfeeds and water with every meal.
Breakfast: natural youghurt banana n 1 prune
Lunch: roasted carrot n sweet potatoes
Dinner: palmoil lamb stew with blackeyed peas n cassava
Snack: mango. Ricecake. Apple
Breakfast: porridge with dried apricot
Lunch: bread with cheese n makrill
Dinner: gambian fish stew with rice (mixed with Greek youghurt so not so spicy)
Snack: steamed pear
Isobel sound Noa's menu sounds like Owen's but a little more exciting with your evening choices! We need to cook some different but still cheap, stuff!

I don't actually know what he ate today coos he was with daddy and I was at work! Will post tomorrow...
Weetabix, Baby porridge, Cauliflour + Brocolli + Pumkin , Mango, and her milk
Breakfast - nothing just some extra formula
Lunch - natural youghurt with apricots n banana
Dinner - fajitas
Snacks - breadsticks n Orange

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