What did your baby learn this week??

leland can drink his own bottle :cheer: part from the very end dribble which he hasnt learnt to lift it right up , i know this doesnt sound a big deal but it is for us cos his always been a mover not a doer lmao
Lil miss has learnt to stand from sitting position...this is huge because now she just stands up and toddles off... :cheer: :cheer: She's also learnt to pinch and bite when not getting her own way.. :? Shes learnt that cows go moo (well mmmmmmmuuuu)...and chickens go cluck cluck...we're working on sheep and pig (she has a jigsaw with these animals)... but thats a work in progress they are either moo, cluck cluck, quack quack or hisss... :lol: Oh yes and decided the ball blower toy thingy is scary :roll: it was bloody expensive too... :x
oh that reminnds me ,leland also know woofwoof lmao as in millie cos we often call her woof woof and he barks back at the dogs now :rotfl: but he doesnt yet look for her when u call her sure that will come
ted learned to blow kisses.. puts his hand on his mouth and gos oooooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwaaa dead cute!, he learnt to stand from sitting.. did it 1st time yesterday,.. and carried on doing it today.. clever boy.. he just needs to toddle off now.. he will only walk if i say come to me..
Green Bean can sit :cheer: i have to get him sat up first and make sure he's stable but then he'll sit for almost an hour :dance:
Ella has learnt to crawl on the wooden floors - there is no stopping her now! In the last couple of weeks she has also learnt to clap and wave. Say hiya when she/someone else enters a room. Put her hand to her ear when you say the word phone (this is sooooo cute!)
Evie has learned how to scream when she can't get what she wants :roll:

She's learned how to say dodi and it's now permenantly attched to her gob :wall: :wall: :wall:

oh and she's figured out how the DVD machine works and she can eject the discs :roll: ... which is more than I can do with it tbh! :shakehead: :shakehead:
last week Izzie FINALLY learned to wave and clap :cheer: It seems that she's doing things the same way beth did....nothing for ages, and then does loads in one go. I love the clapping, its verrry cute. Gonna try and get some video on here when ive figured out how to use my new camcorder :D
Stanley has learnt that Farmer Christmas comes and brings presents to the house. He has yet to learn that it's not happening again until next year. He keeps asking for more :lol:
abigail has learnt to stand from sitting on her own, she just stands up and claps hahahahaha! shes so cute
she shouts mamma in the morning for me to to into her room and then says hiya mamma x
Minxy said:
Stanley has learnt that Farmer Christmas comes and brings presents to the house. He has yet to learn that it's not happening again until next year. He keeps asking for more :lol:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Lil miss kept looking at us like... you're giving me toys wrapped in paper...why the hell would you wrap it in paper??? :? Its lovely when they are still so young that Xmas is magical but they still don't fully understand.
My OH is terrible for blowing on Angel. And on Christmas morning i was woken by an Angel blowing on my face! Lol
Connie has learnt to blow raspberries so we are now subjected to raspberries ALL the time :lol: , I've told her it's not good table manners but she just blew a raspberry at me :wink: .

She's ALMOST rolling from back to front, just needs to learn to move her arm out of the way then she'll be all the way over instead of getting stuck on her side.

Recognises her bottle and lets us know if she wants it by how excited she gets about it and reaching for it.
Jacob has learned a lot in the past few weeks! He grabs his feet and chews on them, he rolls around, pivots on his tummy and rolls in a different direction (all over the room- arrgh!), he sits unaided for a limited time, he FINALLY holds out his arms and wriggles in excitement when he sees me (he didn't really try to jump at me before the way he does now), he grabs us on either side of our face and lunges for our nose yelling "AAAMM" as he latches on HAHA, he reaches for, grabs then cuddles his toys, he gets excited when he sees the cats and then pets them (Nicely! It's so sweet!) and he plays the "I'll stick my tongue out then you do yours and I will laugh" game.
Minxy said:
Stanley has learnt that Farmer Christmas comes and brings presents to the house. He has yet to learn that it's not happening again until next year. He keeps asking for more :lol:

Awww :lol:
I've taught Sam nose, mouth and chin, so now when I say "Where's mummy's nose/mouth/chin" he grabs (sometimes rather painfully) the right one.

L xx

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