What did your baby learn this week??

Awww its great reading all your proud baby moments.

Smiles-from 3 weeks
laughs-from 2 mths
Jaeda can hold things -grabbed her donkey teddy at 2mths 1 week
recognises voices
she always has too much to say too :lol:

Its amazing watching them grow isent it.

You feel so proud.

Dont worry riot-girl she is only 2 weeks and will be loads before you no it :hug:
maybebaby said:
The new baby has learned where my bladder is...

:rotfl: I remember that. Just when you've actually found a comfy way to lay in bed then....kick!

This week LO learned to say go, go out, good girl (she seems to like 'g'), she has added 'knees' to her body parts. Now she knows: head, hair, ears, eyes, nose, mouth, teeth, tongue, hands, fingers, bellybutton, legs, toes.
This week madame has worked out how to flap both arms when she is having a paddy - so much that she lifts her bum of the floor when she does it.... :roll: :lol:
Lil miss has learned how to undo any top I am wearing to get at the "tities".. as she calls them (I always call them boobies so god knows where tities has come from :think: ). She has also learnt how to pull all the plug socket covers from all the plug sockets, open all the childproof cupboards, pull herself up on anything, dial papa/gwandpar/gwandmar/mummy on speed dial, how to sign more at book time, to say mummum in a really gruff voice so mummy plays the "mummy monster" game with her (I say mummy mosters coming to eat you in a gruff monster voice and chase after her.... :lol:) that she can spray water from her mouth at people...and that cats don't miaow as mummy says but make this hissing noise that she can now replicate. :lol: :lol: :lol: cats go psssfffttttt... :rotfl: :rotfl: She also seems to have fathomed out that if you point the remote control at the TV it either comes on or the channel changes... that has been the new fun game...

Lil miss is a "eureka" baby though... she does b*gger all for weeks and weeks, to the point I start to think shes delayed... then all of a sudden does a whole lot in one week... you can almost hear her say "Eureka!" :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Squiglet said:
Lil miss has learned how to undo any top I am wearing to get at the "tities".. as she calls them (I always call them boobies so god knows where tities has come from :think: ). She has also learnt how to pull all the plug socket covers from all the plug sockets, open all the childproof cupboards, pull herself up on anything, dial papa/gwandpar/gwandmar/mummy on speed dial, how to sign more at book time, to say mummum in a really gruff voice so mummy plays the "mummy monster" game with her (I say mummy mosters coming to eat you in a gruff monster voice and chase after her.... :lol:) that she can spray water from her mouth at people...and that cats don't miaow as mummy says but make this hissing noise that she can now replicate. :lol: :lol: :lol: cats go psssfffttttt... :rotfl: :rotfl: She also seems to have fathomed out that if you point the remote control at the TV it either comes on or the channel changes... that has been the new fun game...

Lil miss is a "eureka" baby though... she does b*gger all for weeks and weeks, to the point I start to think shes delayed... then all of a sudden does a whole lot in one week... you can almost hear her say "Eureka!" :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

lil miss is awesome!!!! :cheer: :cheer:
Hollie has found her hands and her thumb, she tries to get her whole fist in her mouth and makes a loud sucking noise!! :rotfl: it is so cute

Riot_Grrrl said:
my baby does nothing :(

your baby made me smile when I looked at the little pic in your signature
:D :D

Charlie learned to pull himself up to stand on his own today :cheer: :cheer:
Jacob has also rediscovered sucking his thumb recently but we had given him our knuckles a lot before this, so he tucks his thumb under his next finger to give him something to grip and sucks his knuckle just the way we give ours to him. Geeks that we are, we tried saying the names of some elements to him (carbon, nitrogen, etc) and anything ending in "ium" especially makes him smile. He had a huge grin when Shaun said "plutonium" which is a little worrying! We have the symphony light and motion mobile and he smiles and makes a little giggle sound whenever bunny goes by and he is making more and more sounds that are more like communication than just crying or yelling. :D
purple13 said:
Squiglet said:
Lil miss has learned how to undo any top I am wearing to get at the "tities".. as she calls them (I always call them boobies so god knows where tities has come from :think: ). She has also learnt how to pull all the plug socket covers from all the plug sockets, open all the childproof cupboards, pull herself up on anything, dial papa/gwandpar/gwandmar/mummy on speed dial, how to sign more at book time, to say mummum in a really gruff voice so mummy plays the "mummy monster" game with her (I say mummy mosters coming to eat you in a gruff monster voice and chase after her.... :lol:) that she can spray water from her mouth at people...and that cats don't miaow as mummy says but make this hissing noise that she can now replicate. :lol: :lol: :lol: cats go psssfffttttt... :rotfl: :rotfl: She also seems to have fathomed out that if you point the remote control at the TV it either comes on or the channel changes... that has been the new fun game...

Lil miss is a "eureka" baby though... she does b*gger all for weeks and weeks, to the point I start to think shes delayed... then all of a sudden does a whole lot in one week... you can almost hear her say "Eureka!" :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

lil miss is awesome!!!! :cheer: :cheer:

:rotfl: lil miss is a clever girl this week :rotfl:

:rotfl: ive got it all to come yes :shock: :rotfl:
abigail can crawl properly, pull herself up with furnature and move around the room, wave goodbye, and wave hello, clap her hands, plays peek'a'boo with her hands to her face. she says dadda, mamma, babba, she rubs her eyes and puts her hands in the air when she wants her bunny (comforter) she looks at the telly goin (iya) when she wants to watch the hoobs lol.
she has learned so much :D i cant believe she is 8 months tomorrow, she is soo clever and growin so fast, where has my baby gone? i still wont be havin anymore tho, shes my precious star!
Hollie learnt to smile yesterday, it was so cute, she was sat on my mums knee and she gave us a big huge grin!!!! i got a bit emotional cause i have been trying to make her smile for about a week now!!! :rotfl: what am i going to be like when she starts school and is in the christmas nativity play!!!??? :lol:
Finlay learned to grow a tooth :lol:

Also to roll BOTH ways now instead of one

And to sit for a about 5 mins :lol:

Oh and how to reach the stuff on the changing mat and throw it about, eat it or whatever he feels like
My lil Jaeda cakes learnt to roll over on her front and has been doing it ever since.
Well, Toby's had a busy week!!

He has learned to feed himself with a spoon and he's learned to walk!! The current record is nine steps.
Connie has learnt the word oogy, we're not sure what this means but she says it a lot.
Hazel said:
Connie has learnt the word oogy, we're not sure what this means but she says it a lot.

Hahahaaa thats so cute!

Ivy learned how to roll from front to back!!!
ds learned 7 letters! He can now name a, d, e, m, o, s and t! He also learned to make mince pies today :D
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