What did your baby learn this week??

James learnt to clap on Sunday, same day as Ted ( AnnaR2B's bubs) oh and he grew another tooth too :D he hasnt stopped clapping since...even in bed :rotfl:
maybebaby said:
Austin learned 7 letters! He can now name a, d, e, m, o, s and t! He also learned to make mince pies today :D

He's "a modest" :lol:
Kyran has finally learnt to sit upright from being on his belly/back this week! Great relief for mummy who is sick of helping a tantruming baby whos flapping around on their stomach! Its so funny how he does it, it takes him forever but he has his method! Firstly he'll roll onto his stomach, then go up onto all fours and crawl backwards until he sorta lands upright!

Hopefully next week he'll learn to crawl forwards properly and not on his belly dragging himself around like a wounded animal! any things better than going backwards to! :doh:
This week Finn learnt to shake his head NO! I fear its the beginning of the end... :rotfl:
Finlay has recently learned to:

roll around the floor to get to where he wants to be
swim underwater
splash everyone when he is in the bath
say Hi and other random words
pee himself laughing if you stick your tongue out
sit up for longer amounts of time
pull himself up from leaning back
found anything he's not allowed

and more!
leland finally waves :cheer: but not at strangers !
his crawling is now mega quick and we have races lol
he know can confidenatly walk with walker , or holding hands ( nearly one handed but preferes 2)
and his tantruming as got to an all time high when you say no to something !
and his got his 3rd tooth this week :cheer:
today india learnt to roll from her tummy to her back. makes tummy time a lot more chalenging lol as im constantly rolling her back onto her tummy (she cant go both ways yet)

and this week, she's learnt to suck her thumb...im such a happy mama!
In the last two weeks or so he's started commando crawling, he can now sit up unaided and this morn i popped in kitchen for 2 mins he was lying down and when i came back he was sitting up :shock: it all happens so fast... :D
Angel has now started pulling herself up my leg or the furniture!!! She spends so much time holding my hands and bouncing too!
last week Tally learnt how to roll totally over and has since been shimmying all around the carpet on her tummy and rolling to reach everything.

not looking forward to her walking!! She's already getting in to everything and she can only slide herself around, i caught her trying to eat her nappies yeaterday (clean ones) and she's never where i left her in her cot!

She's trying to sit up atm so i think that'll be out next milestone!!
Two week ago Jaeda pulled herself up on her knees and is now doing mini press ups :)

She now also moves herself round in circles and reaches out for cuddles and cuddles me to.
Morganuk said:
reaches out for cuddles and cuddles me to.

That's so cute!!!!! Tally tries that too but she always ends up scratching me lol
abcd1234 said:
Morganuk said:
reaches out for cuddles and cuddles me to.

That's so cute!!!!! Tally tries that too but she always ends up scratching me lol

Jaeda scratches me to to bits aswell lol.
Its so lovely when she does it, especially at the moment.
She also burys her head in my chest when shes in a playful mood like shes hiding lol.
I love her so much and she has a wicked character.

Still all the stratches are worth it aint they the lil monkeys.
Can i join even though my little one is getting big?

She walked across the room today with minimal help :cheer:

For the record she can walk fine, shes too bone idle too. Prefers the safeness of crawling!
ohh just seen this thread!!

Niamh has learnt how to stiffen her self out so she is all rigit with her head back if she doesnt get what she wants right away or if i try and put her into her car seat :? nightmare, lol.
Last week LO started taking steps when holding her hands. She has now started walking holding onto furniture too (not that I dare to let go off her yet :) ). No sign of crawling though so maybe we'll go straight to walking :think:
Jaeda is now crawling :)
She also copied my mum by opening and closing her fingers :)
this week millie learned eyes and mouth (she already knew her nose)! :lol:
Aimee learned she has feet this week! :rotfl: She loves playing with her feet now that she has finally found them. Funny when she is trying to grab them yet she is pulls them away at the same time. I don't think she has realised that her feet are attached to her just yet!
JoAnn&Aimee said:
Aimee learned she has feet this week! :rotfl: She loves playing with her feet now that she has finally found them. Funny when she is trying to grab them yet she is pulls them away at the same time. I don't think she has realised that her feet are attached to her just yet!

Aww, its so lovely when you see them learn new things:)

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