Morganuk said:I dont totally agree,
My mum has had dogs which are reguarded as pets and breed them (only ever once thou), They are all registered and she knows what shes doing .
What shouldypu do with the dogs your breeding btw.
Keep them in kennels?.
All dogs should be treat as pets as it teaches them to be good around people and in a home inviroment.
Tbh it makes no sense what you are saying imo.
I do agree thou that there are a lot of greedy people who will breed dogs with no papers and be clueless about the dogs they are breeding.
Most breeders I have gotten dogs from have kept lots of theirs in the house or in a room of the house to sleep. They also have kennels outside with enclosed runs, heated kennels and lamps etc for puppies and a good space to exercise them all in.
I don't agree all dogs should be treated as pets as many of them are not 'pets' as we perceive them to be as in a family pet. Many breeders love the breeds they have and care for them as well as or if not better than family pet owners. That they live in kennels is not a bad thing. The dogs are used to it. Its no worse than families owning a dog and leaving it shut in a kitchen all day while out at work or in a cage for hours at a time or overnight is it? I've had working dogs and would not keep them in the house 24/7 or all day either. In at night sometimes but also had a great kennel with a big warm straw bed. I never felt bad leaving them out there. Having a Foxhound in the house would see it destroyed for sure

Too many dogs end up in resuce after being bought on a whim from family breeders who they cannot return the dog to or who sold it cheaply without decent breeding or behaviour etc. Decent breeders don't breed from bad dogs, not aggressive or poorly formed ones. They also tend to vet potential buyers and won't sell if they think they are buying a dog for the wrong reasons etc. A lady I know who breeds Dobermanns is very careful about who she sells her puppies to and has a waiting list for litters. She doesn't breed many litters a year (usually only one) and always has homes waiting for her dogs rather than having litters and then having to worry about finding homes. She also keeps a dog or bitch from each litter to bring on. That is normal for breeders. But her dogs are from good lines and are what I consider decent temperament.
There are endless 'status' dogs in rescue centres. Its heartbreaking. Staffies, Rotties, GSD..... these are not all from reputable breeders but lots from family pet breeding. I see endless ads in my local papers for Staffies and Rotties and most are from pet backgrounds. If I want to find a decent breeder I'd go via the Kennel Club and dog organisations and check background etc first. Not via my local paper. And treating them as pets is all well and good but too many dogs are not trained nor do they have much time invested in them so become bored and unpredictable. Often people buy the wrong breed for their needs and buy a status breed or something that they have not done their homework on. It often ends unhappily for the dog alas.
Too many dogs in rescue centres needing homes. Why have more puppies in an already swapmed doggie keeping world. Dogs (and other pets) have become too disposable and often are the first casualty of a relationship ending or a house move or a baby coming along. Or gotten on a whim and when grown and no longer cute or if they require work are abandoned or handed over. I'd rather go to a rescue centre and find a dog in need of a home than buy one elsewhere these days anyways. The only reason we went to a breeder for Eric was because I was PG at the time and no rescue would let us have a dog at that time. I was annoyed but could understand their reasoning. As it was we opted to go for a 6 month old dog so we could be more sure of what we were getting and spent 3 hours with him to ensure he was the right dog for us. No going to get a puppy and being swayed by the cuteness puppy factor for me and overlooking the basic breeding and faults etc.
Dogs I've had from breeders have been decent dogs. Used to people, being handled, well cared for, vaccinated, wormed and so on. We've had everything from Gordon Setters to Dachshunds. I've never bought from a person who bred from their family pet. Never would. Not many pet breeders do all of that and they tend to sell the puppies earlier rather than later so no vaccinations have taken place.
Also too many things can go wrong when a bitch whelps and it can cost a huge amount in vets fees. I'd rather leave that to someone else than risk my dogs health and potential bills. Plus the effort in keeping pups in a normal home can be massive. Need a room you are prepared to have trashed, have to clean up constantly the poo and wee, feed etc. I'd rather have all that in a kennel rather than a house.