What 'bad' foods do you give your children?


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2007
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Ok, I need some reassurance that I am not the only person who let's their children have 'bad' food.

I openly admit that my children have Happy Meal's from McDonalds. They have a big bag of Halloween Candy. They get Easter Eggs and the will get chocolate for Christmas.

I also let them have pizza and chips when we eat too.

the kids eat what we eat. i do cook, with fresh veg, and meat and they have fruit etc etc etc. But ya know, i dont see a problem with them having other stuff. my kids are healthy, why do i now feel bad then i give them treats?
Maddison has a couple of my fries if we have a McDonalds and she gets some Skips and Milky Stars to nibble now and then too. I dont see a problem with things in moderation. She gets her fruit every day and eats all sorts of solid food so I'm happy :hug:
i must be a bad mum to hun because Hannah is such a fussy eater that she eats what she wants she has mcdonalds and sausage and chips,sweets, crisps but i do try and balance it as much as i can with fruit and veg, she does have a proper dinner a tea time eg meat and veg and i try to get her to eat such as raison and yogurts
I have to be careful with Kai food wise. I have noticed changes in behaviour when he has certain foods, I was giving him chocolate milk twice a day. But now he has normal milk with a little bit of the chocolate milk for taste.

He has fresh fruit every day and I try with vegetables and he has a proper meal in the evening. He always has 2 yoghurts a day and I try to get as much dairy as I can into him.

So much for healthy eating, I picked up Kai from pre-school yesterday and his lunch was rice mashed with beans and grated carrot, it looked disgusting and no one had eaten it. I was a little shocked that was served, I actually rather he had McDonalds and have eaten something than have that.

If we go to McDonalds I get him a happy meal which is milk, grilled cheese sandwich and apple slices and he would have some of my fries.

Everything in moderation. He does like ice-cream though, but from a cone that has to be the messiest thing ever lol
I'm a bad mum too then! :rotfl:

Evie has white choc buttons every now and again. She has mini-milk ice lollies occasionally. She has diluted juice because she point blank refuses water..

she has had a chip or two off my plate when we've been eating out. I give her jelly so she can eat it and play with it...although i do buy the healthier options here.

She's had custard on occasion...mainly cos she likes to shove her hand in whatever I'm eating.

She was so intent on stealing crisps out of a packet so I let her lick one...it was salt and vinegar...she wasn't impressed!

There are probably a few more things but I just can't think right now
Im an awful mum. My kids eat McDonalds Chinese Pizza. All sortts of sugary breakdfast cereals .
They drink coke and irn bru and eat crisps chocolate and awful coloured sweets which must be full of e numbers.
They are both happy and healthy, they eat fruit and veg to but only when forced into it.
as long as jay eats her main meals i give her milk chocolate buttons and crisp. i dont find anything wrong with it as long as she eats the meal i give her. i was quite surprised the other day when jay toke an apple from the fruit bowl instead of chocolate!
I must be a bad mum too! I believe in everything in moderation and within reason I let Ella taste whatever I am eating if she is trying to grab it! We don't go to McDonalds though so I am safe there for a few years at least!!
we don't ever eat McDs or KFC etc so Galen will never eat that stuff with us. Not so much for health reasons but for ethical ones plus the food tastes like crap.

We don't drink fizzy drinks or buy processed food as a rule either. It's fruitjuice or water in our house.
Everything in moderation.

They absolutely love McD's, but not so much for the food, more for the play area and the free toy! That's a special treat for them. :D

I count five portions every day, but some days it's hard. I try to keep things as balanced as possible.

Chocolate is a special treat too, reserved for our 'girly' nights (my DS has yet to taste it lol!)

And we don't do fizzy drinks anyway, just water or juice.

Once they get to an age where they start attending other kids Birthday parties, it's nigh on impossible to be a 'Saint' any more when it comes to food and sweets! :lol:
Coz Angel's so young she's not had that much yet, but she gets bits of my chocolate, she had a mouthful of my pop, she always gets the last bit of my tea. I sometimes, very rarely, make her a beaker up of tea with no sugar or sweetex. She drinks juice no water. She has testers of what we do. Sausage rolls yesterday, bits of cake. I prefer her to have a bit of everything to get used to different taste. I never go over the top with it.
We don't eat macdonalds, but do have KFC and chinese, so no doubt she'll try that too.
Thomas has dairy free choc buttons and puddings
macdonalds and kfc chippys (salt sucked off)
pizza hut wedges
fruit shoots
organix crisps
erm think thats about it, because of his allergies he is mostly stuck to fruit n veg so if i can find him a "bad" thing that he enoys i give it to him :)
a tiny bit here and there wont kill him or damage him in any way so i dont see why not
i am a big believer in moderation and that if you set up the foundations of healthy eating in babyhod then it'll be easier as the child grows. Seren has a treat every day. We call the organix cereal bars (a lot less sugar in these then other cereal bars) treats so she thinks she's onto a good thing when she is allowed one ;) She has one treat a day, which is either a pack of raisins, couple of biscuits, a cereal bar, half a bag of organix crisps, and occasionally a bar of chocolate. The rest of the day she is allowed snacks but they tend to be fruit, raw carrots, crackers, cheese, natural youghurts etc all of which she enjoys. Drink wise, she is allowed weak squash milk (sometimes milkshake) or water. She is also allowed fruit juice and occasionally smoothies (but these contain a heck of a lot of sugar nso these are restricted). I know I probably sound a bit tight but Seren is a fussy eater and this way she will prefer fruit etc. I don't believe in forcing a child to eat anyhting they don't like so if she leaves her brocolli and cauliflower I don't worry about it now as I know she has been eating nutricious food all day.

We do go to McDonalds very occasionally where she will have some chips (she loves her chips) and every friday we go to my gramps house where she has homemade chips and a cake for pudding. She also has fish fingers and beans once a week as she really enjoys it. I will not let her have tea or fizzy drinks, though MIL has let her have a sip of fizzy orange before which I am not happy with. I agree with Sammystar, children's prties are a nightmare and Seren will be high on sugar sometimes (I eat the contents of her party bag though ;) )

Cally will be allowed a taste of chocolate when she is older, she isn'tmissing out on anyhting and enjoys the food she gets. I am pretty passionate about this as I ate sweets, drank pop (we had a soda stream maker in our house, how posh were we lol) and I have a terrible sweet tooth and I don't want to pass that down. I want them to enjoy food, even the bad stuff and so far its working for us :) It also means that I now eat healthier as I know the girls will want some of what I am eating.
They have everything i have, and if that means chips and sausages then so be it! Everything we have is in moderation and she drinks plenty of water and eats fruit so i have no issues with her diet. Everything balences out.

And yes i let her have a bit of choc everyday as well, i deprive the kids of nothing, but its all in moderation.

Tonight she's tucking into baked potatoes with prawns in sauce :)
The only "bad" thing I've ever given her was ice cream and that was yesterday. She was rooting for more :shock: but enjoyed it - I don't see the harm in things like that in moderation but she won't see very much of it in her first couple of years. We don't tend to eat McD's or similar but will visit other restaurants occasionally. Fizzy juice isn't something we like or have around but will have it when out on occasion so she will be allowed it on occasion when she's older. Was the same with me as a child - it's just something I've never really been fussed about.

At the school I work at there are several children with almost no teeth (one had 8 removed in one sitting just before I went on leave) and several 6/7 year olds heavier than the average young teen so I'm probably erring on the side of caution.
Arianna hardly ever has "bad" food.

She eats what we eat, and I always do a home cooked meal everynight from scratch - I hate processed foods myself.
She eats tonnes of fruit and veg a day, she just helps herself to it. Probably has at least 2 apples, a tangerine and a good handful of grapes everyday.

The only treat she gets is a small bit of ice cream after dinner on a Sunday, but again that is always with fruit salad.

My view is a little wont harm them, I'm not one of those mothers that will go mental if someone offers her a sweet, just everything ilike that needs to be in moderation
I would say lil miss would never get maccyD's but thats just a silly comment :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: Tia has them and I can't let one have and not the other... we rarely have maccyD's cos I hate the food...

We don't have fizzy drinks in the house... but mainly because its expensive and rots teeth, and kids tend to gulp the stuff down in 2 seconds, where they will drink water and fruit juice in moderation... so it works out cheaper.

I have given "bad" things to lil miss... but they have been home made so does that count as bad? Home made banana bread, biscuits, little bits of home made fairy cakes (no icing though because its hard to get here :roll: ), home made scones etc.... I don't consider them bad as such and she doesn't get them all the time obviously, otherwise I'd be baking all the bloody time :lol:

She had a small bowl of plain ice cream last week, but we all eat together now, and the ice cream was for dessert and its wholly unfair for her to sit and watch us all eat bowls of ice cream and shes not allowed to have any... especially if Tia's having some. Shes had a couple of chips before too, but again that was part of the meal and we don't eat chips everyday, just sometimes we have food that isn't healthy in between the meals that are :)

Basically, she gets what we are having for meals and if there is a "naughty" food in there, then she gets a little bit of that too. I have a friend who never let her kids touch anything like sweets and drinks... and when he went to a party he would just gorge himself on everything and be sick... as he got older he learnt to steal the sweets and hide them. I think if you encourage full healthy family eating from the beginning you can make sure they have a healthy balanced diet, because you can see what they eat... which doesn't mean the elimination of foods just the right quantities.. :)

I actually worry more about Tia when shes a teen because she will get to get her own food. :roll:
To be honest, 'bad food' isn't my style of parenting. Ella eats what we eat, which is always home cooked food made from scratch with plenty of meat and veg. And to be honest, she probably eats more fruit than I do.

We rarely have Maccy D's, I don't think we've had one since she's started eating food. We've had the odd take-away chinese but we don't know what's in it so we won't let Ella have any. I make pizza from scratch so she will probably be having that at some point. She has water and water only, she drinks it and likes it so I'd rather save my money.
My idea of a treat is a heinz biscotti every now and then :lol:

It will all change when she's older, I won't be so strict :lol:
I absolutely cannot stand McDonalds - the smell makes me sick! But that's purely something that happened in pregnancy that hasn't gone away!

Faith will be allowed to eat things in moderation. I hope to cook nice healthy meals generally but she can have whatever we have wherever we are!
Harrison has chocolate buttons every now and again, he has the ickly baby sausages with mash and he has fromage frais and baby juice. He eats homemade fruit purees & eat plenty of fresh veg etc .. everything in moderation I say.

Paris has chocolate (only milk), macdonalds on occasion, homemade buns & cookies.

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