Do you/Will you give your child extra vitamins?

Gemma & Jake

Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2006
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I am just wandering how many people give their child extra vitamins in any form. I bought Jake some multi vitamin syrup today because although he eats a fairly varied diet I do still worry that he isn't getting all of the vitamins that he should be on a daily basis. I have put a some info below which I took from The Food Standards Agency if anyone is interested.

Does a one-year-old child need vitamin or iron drops?
All children between six months and five years old could benefit from taking drops containing vitamins A, C and D. These will help to make sure that they get these important vitamins, particularly if they aren't eating a varied diet.

Vitamin drops are free for children under five years from families receiving Income Support or an income-based Job Seekers Allowance. They can also be bought cheaply from child health clinics.

Children who have a good appetite and eat a wide variety of foods, including fruit and veg, might not need vitamin drops.

As well as eating a healthy balanced diet, children also need sunlight to help them get enough vitamin D. (Remember to be careful not to let their skin burn.)

So, if a child doesn't spend much time outdoors, doesn't eat meat or oily fish, or if their skin doesn't get exposed to daylight because they always wear clothes that cover almost all of their skin when they are outdoors, you should give them drops to make sure they get enough vitamin D. If children don't get enough vitamin D, this can cause rickets, which can lead to permanent misshaping of their bones.

Iron is also essential for your children's health. But if they are eating some meat or fish every day, then they are probably getting enough iron and so they won't need iron drops or tablets. If your child doesn't eat any meat or fish, make sure they eat plenty of other foods that are rich in iron, such as:

fortified breakfast cereals
dark green vegetables
beans and lentils
dried apricots, figs and prunes
It's also a good idea to give your child some food or drink that is high in vitamin C (such as fruit or fruit juice) at the same time as foods containing iron, because vitamin C helps our bodies absorb iron.

Talk to your health visitor or GP if you are concerned about your child's diet.
Yeah, I give Ryan one dose of baby vitamans each day. I started when he was poorly and have carried on ever since :)

He does eat different foods but, like you, I worry that he may not be getting exactly what he needs, so the vitamans make up for that :)
I don't give Nathan any cos he eats anything I give him.
I do give Aimee one with extra iron in cos she hardly eats anything especially
not veg. The HV used to comment on how pale she looked and black under her eyes and shes probably low on iron so that why I give them to her.
I didn't even know they existed TBH, I guess they are ok. I don't know, would rather Jack is eating varied diet but then it is a worry cos I'm not up to scratch with what contains which vitiman. Hmmm, maybe something to think about :think:
I hope that Dylan eats well enough (he's certainly started the right way!) that he doesn't have to take vitamins. I enjoy cooking so I'm hoping that he likes mums cooking. I don't take extra vitamins because I eat a healthy diet
lelands got to have a vit as he was born before 35 weeks he gets them on precription ! folic acid is the main one they want him to take !
I put a spoonful of cod liver oil in stephens dinner and thats it. Its helped with his concentration levels. :D
i might start giving Willow vitamins as she doesent really eat any fruit or veg and i do worry because i am a naff cook i give willow mainly jars do they contains all the vitamins she needs (yes i know home cooked is better) i was also planning on givin her iron when she turns 1 and is on cows milk just to make sure.
im a big believer in vitamin supplements. i take a multibionta tablet and an omega oil capsule every day, and always have- and i have clear skin, bright eyes, soft sliky hair and plenty of energy and immunity- despite my VERY nutritionally limited diet (no meat, no fish, no eggs, no cheese, no soya, no nuts or legumes, plenty fruit but prob nowhere near enough veg; too much sugar)

and i used to hav a heavy drugs habit and pretty much lived on fizzy pop for energy and hardly any food- im sure its the vitamin pills that kept me going!

melissa looks the picture of health too coz iv been breast-feeding her and i knew i was getting enough vitamins into my milk from my supplements, but since we've cut down on that im very paranoid about is she getting enough nutrients from food (i make sure she eats better than i do- she has meat or eggs every day and veg every single day) so im actually thinking already about speaking to GP or HV about baby supplements! i dont want her to miss a single 1% RDA of any vitamin or mineral!

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