What are your views on pain relief?

Ive always been open minded and it's each to their own. Every birth is different.

With my first (hospital) i had gas & air and some diamorphine, felt like i could of done with out but midwife forced me to have it with me being 'young' (19!)

With second (homebirth) i had nothing and coped really well, if i needed any pain relief then i would have taken.

Now on my third,totally different pregnancy to first 2! Baby is breech and i think it'll end up in a c-section in a couple of weeks, so looks like an epidural :talkhand: the thought of it makes me feel sick (needle phobic!) Dont mind giving blood but the thought of epidural or drip makes me :puke:

it's nothing to be ashamed of if you have pain relief and you are no better/worse than anyone that can do it without.
I have a low pain threshold AND I want to minimise the stress... thos will depend on the circumstances but my plan is to have an epidural. There's no reason why I should try to be a "hero" :wink:
I definatley plan on having an epidrual as I dont have a very high pain threshold and am scared enough about labour!! I wont have Gas and Air as my mum was sick on this and that's the last thing you need when giving birth :lol:

It's definatley everyones individual choice and I wouldn't think better or worse of anyone based on their choices for labour.
KJL i am totally with you. I'm having hospital birth because i want all the assistance/drugs i can get!
I've been hospitalised twice with unexplained excrutiating stomach pains, suspected apendicitis they think and that was awful...had morphine and i felt better. When i get a headache i have a paracetamol and feel better, when i have a filling in dentist, they numb the area, so u feel better.... i think u know where i'm going... :rotfl: pain of childbirth, an epi will make me feel better.
It is totally up to u, nobody can tell u what is right for u...bar u. I totally respect those who go into it naturally..all power to them...but i choose not to and that is my right.

Sermon over...Anna book 12 chapter 1 :rotfl:
AnnaR2B said:
KJL i am totally with you. I'm having hospital birth because i want all the assistance/drugs i can get!
I've been hospitalised twice with unexplained excrutiating stomach pains, suspected apendicitis they think and that was awful...had morphine and i felt better. When i get a headache i have a paracetamol and feel better, when i have a filling in dentist, they numb the area, so u feel better.... i think u know where i'm going... :rotfl: pain of childbirth, an epi will make me feel better.
It is totally up to u, nobody can tell u what is right for u...bar u. I totally respect those who go into it naturally..all power to them...but i choose not to and that is my right.

Sermon over...Anna book 12 chapter 1 :rotfl:

:rotfl: :rotfl: Yup I'm with you on this, good sermon :rotfl: :rotfl: I said that to someone who asked my reasons for wanting an epi..."I had a root canal a few months ago and there was no reason or no way I was going to have it without pain relief, so why on earth would I consider childbirth without it!" :rotfl:

Like you say, all power to those who do it without, but i'm happy with my decision NOT to be in pain :shakehead:
i think its up to the individual :) i wanna go as natural as possible, and will hopefully be on the maternity unit where there aren't really any drugs available anyway. but that's cos i really really don't like hospitals and the labour ward made me queasy just on my tour... a natural labour means i can get home within a few hours. i'd do a homebirth if our flat didn't have 4 neighbouring flats - i wanna be able to look at my neighbours in the face again afterwards :rotfl:
but i also know that my 'ideal labour' may very well not happen in the way that i hope, and i'm certainly not ruling anything out. my biggest worry isn't that i'll have to have an epidural or even c-section in the end, but that because of them, i'll have to go on the labour ward and then stay in hospital for however many days afterwards... i really really really don't want that...
I definately don't want a c-section either :shakehead: Obviously it's out of my control if it's necessary, and I want this baby to be delivered in the safest possible way, but I also really dread the idea of surgery (I have had a lot in the past on my stomach area) and the possibilities of a long hosp stay or long recovery, so I :pray: I won't need one. However, I have been told to keep open minded so I'm going to try and not expect one thing or another and just "go with the flow". I have to admitt though I'm getting to the point that I am just happy to get this baby out :rotfl: I've had enough of pregnancy :?
This is something I need to try and decide on soon! I had originally opted for a home birth but have recently chickened out of it.

I may not have an option of a natural birth if my placenta is still low (it's looking hopeful) but I do consider myself to have quite a high pain threshold. I am absolutely going to steer clear of peth as I can't stand the thought of being mentally out of it. I am going to try without an epidural for as long as possible but if it's a matter of me being comfortable and focused rather than being deranged from the pain... I'm not going to rule it out completely.

I'm not bothered by needles but those of you who have had an epidural or spinal... was it particularly painful? With regards to an elective section if it's what I have to have, it's actually the thought of recovery that bothers me more than the epidural and surgery.
daftscotslass said:
This is something I need to try and decide on soon! I had originally opted for a home birth but have recently chickened out of it.

I may not have an option of a natural birth if my placenta is still low (it's looking hopeful) but I do consider myself to have quite a high pain threshold. I am absolutely going to steer clear of peth as I can't stand the thought of being mentally out of it. I am going to try without an epidural for as long as possible but if it's a matter of me being comfortable and focused rather than being deranged from the pain... I'm not going to rule it out completely.

I'm not bothered by needles but those of you who have had an epidural or spinal... was it particularly painful? With regards to an elective section if it's what I have to have, it's actually the thought of recovery that bothers me more than the epidural and surgery.

I'm not really bothered by needles either so the thought of an epidural doesn't worry me too much. My mum had an epidural with all three of us and she is majorly needle-phobic. She said that it's not that painful at all, more just a little uncomfortable. She added that when you are in the throws of labour pains and contractions, an epidural needle is no pain at all in comparison. She said she was begging for it :rotfl:
I really wanted a natural birth with no pain relief and I achieved it. I had DD at home with just TENS and the water from the birth pool for pain relief. I am so pleased that I managed this - but think that this was possible due to my quick labour (6.5 hours) and hypnobirthing training.

Valentine Xxx
Well with my first i was induced in hospital......
The oxytocin drip was pure agony...and i honestly think being shot in the knee caps would hurt less... I begged for them to make it stop...and prob would have had an epi if i wasn't too far along (had put in my birth plan i didn't want one)....they gave me pethidine instead and 10mins later i was pushing....He was born with no stitches and no fuss...7lb 13oz

Baby 2 was born at home with just a tiny bit of G&A in the transition stage....she was 9lb and i felt in total control throughout the birth...and really empowered by the experience. I went into a kind of altered state left my body kinda thing...really amazing.

Baby 3 was totally different born at home also. She was 14days overdue...i induced myself with twiddling of nipples which in turn broke my waters and set me off. The contractions just never got that bad...really...there was no transition stage... i got a feeling (instinctual not physical) that i had to get the baby out.....and it just so happened she had the cord around her neck and was a shoulder dysocia delivery....she was born blue with an agar of 2 but was fine a few minutes after the birth. I used lots of G&A throughout. she weighed 8lb 13oz no stitches...

baby 4 was also born at home labour stopped and started for days...he was way overdue around 19days.....i used G&A only for the delivery he literally turned me inside out and it left me shaking from head to toe...he weighes 8lb 13oz too....the hard work of labour lasted around around 4hours.

As you can see from my deliveries they have all been straight forward ish....I do beleive that if my 3rd baby had been born in hospital the intervention would have been greater and the outcome different (in a bad way)....Not being able to feel what was going on down there under the influence of an epi would have led to her being stillborn or an emergency c section....i had to push her with all the will in my body. i felt and was not told she was stuck til after delivery (the midwife said she knew i knew) I did not use G&A for the pushing as it required all my concentration......also if she had been my first i would not have known in myself she was stuck and what to do about it.

I suppose what i am trying to say is i like to be in control of my births...being as drug free as possible allows this. It is a beautiful experience and i genuinely enjoy labour and birth....It is the most rewarding thing a woman does and the reason for our existence...i want to be a part of that magic and fully experience it.

I do believe that a lot of the intervention that takes place today is due to the choices we make...and our lack of education in the natural process. Women have lost that deep understanding and trust that their bodies are built for this and that they can do it unaided.

I know sadly that this is not the case in every birth ...but then every birth is different.

Thats my view....but i could in fact discuss this for hours and hours and hours.

Hi Natural mamma, I found your reply really informative and interesting. You seem like a very strong and in-control person. I totally understand what you are saying about the oxytocin drip, I am due to be induced at some point next week (baby's growth has slowed down etc...) and my Dr. has advised against the drip method. He has said that it is often painful and in his opinion brings on contractions far too quickly and unnaturally and can put the body into shock (especially for your first). He says he preferes the prostaglandin method and would rather keep me in for two days until it works than administor oxytocin. I do wish I could pop naturally and have some hope that it could happen before I am induced but of course if I can't then I will go with the induction as advised for baby's health and mine.

I have had no pressure to have pain relief and in fact my obstetrician is fully open to anything. I have just decided that I would like to have the epi so I feel somewhat in control of the pain and can have a positive experience. Of course I may change my mind on the day and feel differently so I'm going to keep open minded.

Whatever happens I simply hope for a positve outcome and a healthy baby :D
KJL said:
Hi Natural mamma, I found your reply really informative and interesting. You seem like a very strong and in-control person. I totally understand what you are saying about the oxytocin drip, I am due to be induced at some point next week (baby's growth has slowed down etc...) and my Dr. has advised against the drip method. He has said that it is often painful and in his opinion brings on contractions far too quickly and unnaturally and can put the body into shock (especially for your first). He says he preferes the prostaglandin method and would rather keep me in for two days until it works than administor oxytocin. I do wish I could pop naturally and have some hope that it could happen before I am induced but of course if I can't then I will go with the induction as advised for baby's health and mine.

I have had no pressure to have pain relief and in fact my obstetrician is fully open to anything. I have just decided that I would like to have the epi so I feel somewhat in control of the pain and can have a positive experience. Of course I may change my mind on the day and feel differently so I'm going to keep open minded.

Whatever happens I simply hope for a positve outcome and a healthy baby :D

Wow you sound really lucky to have such an intune consultant...i wish they all took his view........that is amazing. I'm glad you are up for being open minded about the pain releif thingy...are you up for trying all options before having an Epi ??? like getting in the bath or birthing pool??/trying G&A ..diamorphine etc......You can get mobile Epi's now too can't you??
I'm hoping you'll be surprised by your ability to cope....you can do it and birth like a big strong mama...think positive :lol:
Natural mamma said:
...i induced myself with twiddling of nipples which in turn broke my waters and set me off. T

if no one posts in third tri tonight then we know what they are all doing. :wink:
Natural mamma said:
Wow you sound really lucky to have such an intune consultant...i wish they all took his view........that is amazing. I'm glad you are up for being open minded about the pain releif thingy...are you up for trying all options before having an Epi ??? like getting in the bath or birthing pool??/trying G&A ..diamorphine etc......You can get mobile Epi's now too can't you??
I'm hoping you'll be surprised by your ability to cope....you can do it and birth like a big strong mama...think positive :lol:

I am so lucky, my consultant is just the lovliest man, the MW's all love him (plus he's a bit of a looker :wink: !)! I'm not so keen on trying the bath/birthing pool as I'm not very keen on being wet for long periods of time and a little embaressed about being scantily dressed :oops: I am def willing to try G&A and if I have an epi it will be a mobile epi so I'll be fully able to move around the room. I don't react very well though to diamorphine, it makes me :puke: unfortunately and G&A has done the same to me in the past too.

I have had quite major surgery on my abdominal area/nether area in the past (due to endometriosis) and was really excited about the idea of having my own morphine pump to regulate the pain, instead I ended up having a nasty adverse reaction to the general anescetic and then kept puking on the morphine drip :roll: and pethadine. It really sucked as they had to reduce my pain relief and I ended up in hosp for a week in agony :? Prior to the op I wasn't really nervous at all as I knew it was a necessary op and i'm very practical about pain and illness. The whole thing ended up really traumatising me and that is why I feel quite sure about wanting an epi, I just don't want to be in the kind of situation ever again. I am pretty pratical and stoic though so may end up not needing/wanting an epi, but I think knowing it's there is mentally a big relief. I am not worried about being less of a woman if I have the epi, I just want to be holding my bubs and have had a lovely positive experience, however I achieve it :D
lauramumof2 said:
if no one posts in third tri tonight then we know what they are all doing. :wink:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: I have tried it, but it really hurts :? :rotfl:

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