rolling over?

Ani isnt rollng yet, but will when she is ready - as you all say, she obviously cant see the interest in rolling as yet! Dribbling and grabbing my hair is her main study at the mo.
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

thanks everyone :hug: stuff the HV and her questions im feeling much better about all this now xxxxxxx
luke didn't do it til he was 6 months or so. he'll get there rach no worries.
Jake was 5 1/2 months and he rolled from back to front first. I wouldn't start worrying yet as i'm sure Christopher will get the hang of it soon enough. I used to put a toy just out of reach and Jake used to try rolling to get it.
Isaac has been a bit late with all his milestones, still in the normal ranges I should say but later than other babies at babygroup. But he was a few weeks early so there is that to consider.

He was about 6 months when he first rolled over to I think.

It's a shame that we always focus on the next milestone. We should enjoy them being babies for as long as possible because they grow up far to quickly these days.

I never took much notice of the HV's.

Babies will reach their milestones when they're good and ready, in the meantime sit back and enjoy!

as everyone else says every baby will do it at different rates one may roll ealry and the next baby might walk early.

Kadyn already rolls both ways , first time we tried him on his tummy at a few weeks old he rolled and from back to tummy about 2 months i believe ( i have it written down somewhere ?
Tell you HV to shove it and dont let them get down on you about it :hug:
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
yay weve done it at last :dance:
christopher finally rolled over on saturday and on monday he rolled back to front and then 5 mins later rolled back onto his back :clap: well done christopher let the hv stick that in her pipe :shakehead:
Well done Christopher! Still no sign of Ben rolling, but I guess he'll do it when he's ready!!
Eefies only been doing it about a fortnight and by god now he's got the hang of it he's off! He flips over in the blink of an eye and crawls backwards. Dont worry if they're not doing it yet, don't rush it haha!

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