what are you missing most


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2010
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what are you missing most that you cant have/do because of being pregnant mine is my hot hot hot baths im used to coming out of them glowing red for a good hour after a good soak now im in and out it just not the same :( oh and blue cheese i miss that too
Fillet steak so rare that it is dripping :) Pate and stilton and red wine, gin and tonic :)
Medium rare steak! Craving this MASSIVELY!!! x also I miss wearing my favourite dress! It's just too tight now! x
Being able to bend down without bubs going under my ribs and making them hurt x
a cigarett when im having a stressful shift at work or is extra emotional. Also energy i miss soo much, seems like im half asleep 23 hours a day xx
I miss having a couple of glasses of good red wine with the girls. I am just so happy that we are allowed curry and chocolate- those are two things I genuinely don't think I could give up.
I just miss feeling... Umm, attractive, I don't feel attractive when I am pregnant so I really miss that feeling when I dress up.
I miss wearing my heels and pencil skirts.
I miss Bailey's.
I miss sleeping on my tummy (or being able to sleep comfortably at all for that matter)
I miss my occasional cigarettes at work.
I miss being normal :)
i miss being able to lay in the bath for ages without being in pain cuz i need a wee so badly :D
Lol you've just reminded me of one isobel, I miss having a normal bladder and a full nights sleep! Hate getting up 3-4 times through the night for a wee!
it would be nice not to hear " but your pregnant!" from OH everythime i want abit of him ( which is alot more often now haha) he always give in as soon as i start droppin my clothes tho.
I shouldnt have to feel guilty!!
just to be able to drink anything but water for the last 10 weeks!!!!!! Having said that my husband came back with a can of lilt tonight and I decided to go for it (whether I am sick or not). It was the most amazing drink ever.

Fingers crossed it stays down. All I want is to be able to drink normal drinks again. xxx
i am missing horse riding the most but also garlic and herb roulet (cheese), dippy eggs, and pate
I miss camembert, brie and blue cheese, miss wine and G&T's and the odd ciggy. I miss tea and I had really started to like coffee before getting PG, now I can't stand the thought of it!
Oh yeah and I miss having a normal bladder and not feeling nauseous and bloated all the time!!
I miss my body!! I thought I hated it before now but actually it served me well. Everyday another part of it seems to feel like it's about to fall off or get taken over! I miss being able to breathe freely, move without pain, rest without pain................but I wouldn't change it for the world!!!!
Mojitos!! And being able to do things without 'be careful now!!' coming from someone =P

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