What are you looking forward to about pregnancy most?


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2010
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I noticed a lovely thread in preg section about what ladies are looking forward to most when bubba arrives, for some of us that seems a long way off and just been preg would be nice. So what are you all looking forward to most?..
For me I think it would be telling parents and showing off a gorgeous bump!!!
At the moment, just a BFP and OH's reaction!
I quite like talking to strangers, even if just briefly. I just like meeting people...

So, i think having a talking point that i can chat to with anyone about in a positive way will be good.

When my dog was a puppy, i really enjoyed the people coming over to talk "dog" with me :)
I completely agree - telling people will be great.

I also think I'm going to be a big nester, so really looking forward to doing up the spare room into a nursery. We've decided not to do anything with it till we are actually pregnant, so I'm looking forward to that. I feel a not very original Winnie the Pooh theme coming on!

The other thing I'm looking forward to is knitting for the little one. At the moment I knit the odd thing for friends and family's babies (and it seems like there have been a lot of babies around to knit for recently), but I am really looking forward to being able to knit loads of things that are going to be for our baby.

FX we're all doing these things sooner rather than later!
At the moment, just a BFP and OH's reaction!

Same here!!

Although am looking forward to imparting all my knowledge on a child........me and OH have so many interests that there's bound to be something that a small person will enjoy too!!!
I'm introverted over extroverted, and I really struggle to talk to people whom I don't have something strong in common with.

So as well as the obvious delight of both of our families I'm looking forward to meeting more *nearly* parents and parents and making some more friends without feeling horribly awkward and not knowing what to say! Nothing breaks the ice more than a baby bump.
Im excited about it all to be honest!! Cant wait to tell my mum and dad as my dad nearly died of cancer last year and is still quite ill so would be nice to have some good news to share for a change!! I also cant wait to start shopping for little tiny baby stuff!!
If Im Being Honest I Know I Wont Enjoy My Pregnany I Will Be Constantly Worrring. But What Ill Look Forward To Most Is Having A Crying Healthy Happy Baby In My Arms x
Feeling baby kick .... And knowing that me and DH have made a new life x x
Telling OH - I think of dif ways to do it every 2 ww lol but reckon I'd be so excited I'd blurt it! And telling my Mum :) Also can't wait to buy a preg book and magazines and read the week by week info (nerd alert!) xxx
Knowing there's a new person inside of me...I have felt 'empty' a lot recently like there's a big hole in me, and I want there to be something there
hey girls! il be terrified after mc, but determined to enjoy next pregnancy as im sure it will be a sticky one next time! most looking forward to seein oh face, he will be delighted and my parents and brother too! 2 of my friends have babys due in a few months and id like the playdates i could have with other mums. after being all about me for 24 years id love to just have a little one to put all my focus on, and id be determined to work my best to provide for them! cant wait to push a pram first bath everything! i could go on ......
What a lovely thread! Great idea :) for me the absolute one thing I cannot wait to do more than anything is say to my husband "i'm pregnant!!!!!!" I dream about how i'm going to tell him it excites me that much! I love him more than anything and having the privilege to tell him that he is going to be a father is going to be one of the best feelings in the world.
I'm looking forward to my OH face when I show him two lines n not one,n watching my baby grow into a child n knowing that we made it,its part of both of us,it would be an amazing feeling I dream of it every night as I am sure most of us do on PF,good luck to all xx
I'm looking forward of course to my BFP but I can't wait to go shopping and buy all the lovely things and to decorate the nursery I'll have to find out the sex, I really want a girl, of course I'll be happy with a boy but I'd love a girl!

I'm looking forward to a bump & shopping for prams & nursery furniture, scans and getting Doodles a t-shirt to announce that he's going to be a big brother x
awww lovely thread!!

i really look forward to seeing those 2 lines - if they ever happen!!
i think the most iteresting part would be to watch my bumb grow and read up on whats delevloping when- my sister had a wonderfull book when she was preg so that be cool!!
im very close to my nan so 1 of the best moments wil be telling her!! me and mum are not close so!!
i cant wait to see my little boys face, he keeps asking me to 'buy' a baby boy called addie and a baby girl called ellie (i have no idea where his name choices have come from as we dont know anyone called addie although he has a friend called ellie so....).
Im also looking forward to buying maternity clothes! i became obsessed when i had my son and still now find myself drawn to the maternity section thinking 'oooooo thas nice! that would look lovely!'
I'm looking forward to letting it all hang out so to speak! At the moment I seem to spend too much time picking outfits that make me look thinner, winching in my corsets (not really but metaphorically), tightening belts, massive pants that suck in my thighs and stomach and avoiding sleeveless items incase I have fat arms and trying to persuade my double chin to tighten.

Ha ha, I'm not really as paranoid as all that sounds, but how wonderful to be pregnant and blame it all on that :)

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