Whos actually looking forward to.......

Yeah think thats a good idea jarjar....we 'bd'ed' last night althought Im not fetile for another 2 day and not due to Ov for another 6 days but Im also trying not to let on to him either in the hope that the pressures wont take over and stop him doing his bit....its so hard for them too I think we just get so wrapped up in doing our bit we sometimes forget they have to deal with the stresses of it all as well....xxx
Yeah very true. He couldn't perform last night and when I asked him what was wrong he said that he had felt under pressure, like if he didn't get it right he would be letting me down or something...
Yup me and DH had this conversation a couple of months ago....he was also feeling under lots of pressure to get it right and perform....I didnt even think about him at the time as I just assumed that he was over the moon at being able to do the horizontal mumba at anytime! How wrong was I! Poor things...lol xxx
I've not spoken to my hubby about how he feels about it all to be honest!
I think he is just glad of the extra attention! He told me at the weekend that we have to have more sex this month as he wants me to go on holiday pregnant!
I didn't think he was really that bothered but it turns out that he wants me to be PG as much as I do! he wants me to have a baby bump in time for his 40th Birthday in september!
Ah its so easy to bypass how they are feeling isnt it coz we get so wrapped up in our own stuff...its good we have DH who we can talk to about it all tho isnt it....were lucky ladies and to have our DH wanting our bumps as much as we do it just great xxx
We are the same we are going to TTC again this month, even though we just lost our little bump :(. We are not use chart or anything and do it the good old fashion way and let nature take it's course, and just enjoy the practice if it happens or not. :)

Good luck to everyone else this month :dust:
I dont know if i look forward to ttc each month, I just wanna get AF out the way when she comes!
I had lots of tears last night about it all, at the moment i just feel incapable of getting pregnant! :( ovulating now and oh and I have been BD regularly since AF went last time, but i dunno just feel really emotional about everything.
Good luck denise....prob a good approach if you can stay chilled about it all...I find it so hard lol!! xxx
Ah Mrsmc I know how you feel.....I sometimes go through feeling of whats wrong with me that I cant get/stay pregnant....I blame myself at times too but I know its nothing I can change!

I just hope you can start to feel better again and look forward to it all again....Im sure its just a rough patch and you will be on top in no time....hugs xxx
This month I don't think I am looking forward to it, as it has come up to our 4th Year of TTC and still nothing lol I suppose when you have been TTC as long as we have, it's always a case of knowing there is going to be a BFN at the end of each cycle and the witch is always waiting, but hey chin up I suppose!

I enjoy TTC, but then in the back of my mind I try not to think about TTC and relax (like people advise) because if I didn't I would just be so desperate I would wear out the O/H lol I just enjoy it now, until we get to know what is going on....O/H is due to go for another Sperm test again, so we probably will get some answers soon

Donna x
Baby lover.....can I ask....have you had extensive test and investigations done in the past?
Its so sad that month after month especially for this amount of time your still not getting your BFP....just curious as to what the medical profession have said if anything....Mrsmc is right your def an inspiration after all this time to still be so positive....xxx

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