What are you doing this month??


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2006
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To help you get pg??? Im taking magic medicine and primrose oil capsules at the moment, i have some vitex agnus for when Af has finished, and also green tea and water. Hopeing its gonna start working quickly, so how bout everyone else, what are you going to be doing this month?
Hey hon - you don't have to wait for AF to finish to start taking vitex. It can take a couple of month to lick in for some ladies so I'd start asap
oh right thanks lovey, i was told by someone only take it when ur not on ur period, *runs and gets vitex* fankoo :hug:
Primrose oil? What does that do for you?

I am Oing today so if this month isn't successful this is what i'm going to do next month.

I'm still going to chart BBT's as i'm new to this, I'm going to drink more water to help CM - lots more, have more than usual green tea, anything to help.

Basically I think having very little CM isn't helping so I'm concentrating on boosting that.
Its supposed to improve the quality of ur CM :D
Becs said:
Hey hon - you don't have to wait for AF to finish to start taking vitex. It can take a couple of month to lick in for some ladies so I'd start asap

>Lick in< My god I need to check my spelling. Or the whole forum will be running out to get some :rotfl:
I think this month im gonna stay very calm and not get stressed out i know my pregnancy will happen when its ment to and hopfully last til full term

lots of :hug: to everyone else trying
lots of BDing...... :lol:

:rotfl: :rotfl:

We've only really started this month so I think I think we'll see if things happen naturally before we start to get more serious. It's nice to hear of all these hints and tips you all keep posting of ways to help.

I might have to use some of them in a few months.......lets hope not though!

hun this is my second cycle ttc and im already starting with all of it, cant hurt :lol:

I have heard primrose oil is good, i will be taking that this month as my sore boobs for x2 weeks have been a nightmare !
good luck mel, we are on the same cycles i think so will be on the 2ww together.
I thought i was getting my AF today but now it has stopped !>??
This month I've started charting using fertility friend. I'm finding it really interesting. I've also started a diet and doing an exercise DVD every day to try and get my BMI down. This is proving very effective, I feel a lot better just after a week (I have heaps more energy) and it's doing a great job of keeping my mind off TTC.
I've also rediscovered some green tea in the back of my cupboard so I've been drinking that too.
No lying still for 30 minutes with legs in the air, I've just been going to the loo after as usual. I conceived James without sticking my legs in the air.

Sorry to be a bit of a wet blanket here but I took Evening primrose oil for years for my PMS symptoms and it's very good for the breasts. However I have read in several different places that Evening primrose oil is not recommended for women who are TTC.

I don't know why and don't have the time to go looking it up tonight but I'll defo get on that. I haven't been taking it since we have been TTC for that reason.

Thank you for that article sophie. I had very little CM this month around OV and didn't see any EWCM. I know I OV yesterday I have just taken my temp and there was a heafty rise.

That really is my plan for next month - to increase my changes by increasing EWCM.
Agnus Castus, magic medicine, natural yoghurt, pre-seed, excersice and a good diet :D

Why can i never spell excersice? :x :rotfl:
Last month when I caught, I didn't take anything (apart from clomid to make me ovulate and). I was always on magic medicine, charting, various vitamins and so was OH. The first month we didn't take anything I got pregnant. So the drugs doesn't always work.
Good luck ladies, hope to see you all very soon in 1st tri :hug:
2 donations and a day earlier than usual :D
No opks (having to guess for an early donation but think I got it right :wink: )
no MM (had horrible cough last month when stopped it)

and a LOT of positive thinking :D
Agnus Castus to see if it will regulate my cycles ( mine have been between 23-33 days)

Folic Acid.

And plenty BDing :wink:

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