What age do you think your baby should be in their own room?

I think if we followed every single guideline they set for us we would all be crazy. dont do this, never do that, you must never ever do this, etc. I think on each and every topic it is everyones personal choice. I respect social workers and Health Visitors so much however if we followed all the guidelines regarding feeding (breast or bottle) weaning (early or late) sleeping (in with you or in their own room) Controlled crying or Pick up put down theres always choices and i dont think any are wrong its just different things work for different families and I think that alot of people get so stressed out about the do's and dont's that they miss out on such a prescious time that you can never get back, do it your own way ladies whatever you chose it isnt wrong!

:oops: sorry for the rant i just think it needed saying that everyone is a fantastic mum no matter what choices they make :oops:
I'm sorry Kirsty, and i am sure you will do your best like all the rest, but it isn't just one social worker, one case, or one county I have experienced/seen this problem in. I do think it is more to do with the job than the person though. Good luck with your training and getting a job :hug:
I have to agree whole heartedly with Alfiesmummy. Health visitors and social workers have a very important job to do but at the end of the day us mummies have to use our instincts and judgement in how we raise our babies.
At the clinic i go to with Elliott the health visitors talk at you rather than to you and seem to find it easy to make mum's feel inadequate. I think we have a general idea what makes our babies happy and i would much prefer to take Elliott to the doctor when he has anything is wrong with him. The health visitors i see are always contradicting themselves.
Elliott sleeps in my room, and he's staying there till he's at least 6 months old. I like having my little one so close...especially as it's just me (he is the only man i need in my life!)

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