what age did you stop swaddling??


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2010
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I have read that you should stop after about 6 weeks...cos the reflex where babies throw their arms us starts to disappear after about 6 weeks...

just wondered what others experiences were?

we still swaddle hannah and she does wake herself up if her hands get free and get near her face!! I am hoping to get her into sleeping bags ..xx
We bought swaddle pods cos our LO sleeps so much better in them at night, tried sleeping bags a few times and she just dosent sleep well in them or at all! But then in the pram etc shes fine?!
We sometimes still have to swaddle Angel, well I wouldn't call it swaddling because we just wrap on layer of blanket and tuck it under her but its quite loose and only round her arms iykwim? Only because she does the she throws her arms around and wakes herself up or starts trying to take her dummy out and that wakes her up too but we're trying not to do that at the moment x
yeah, its the thrashing of the arms thats the problem isnt it xx
Dylan is a pest cause he will not be swaddled, he gets so cross if we try and wriggles his arms out, or tries to! He wakes himself up flinging his arms about though! I hear them hit the sides of the Moses basket or he whacks himself in the face. We're using sleeping bags now which are brilliant cause he kicks his legs about a lot too!
My friend's son is still swaddled now at 5 months, he loves it and helps him sleep. My LO didn't like it though so we stopped really early.
We could never swaddle Jack, he hated his arms being strapped down. He still hates you holding his arms now and learnt at about 10 weeks that if he kept his arms stiff and straight it was easier for me to get his arms into long sleeves! Luckily he's a June baby so it was lovely and warm x
We swaddled til about 12 weeks, I loved it. Helped her sleep beautifully. x
We swaddled until about 4 months I think. We stopped because lo kept getting us arms free and wiggling about in the swaddle. Popped him straight into sleeping bags and haven't looked back.
We swaddled til about 12 weeks, I loved it. Helped her sleep beautifully. x

how did you eventually get her out of the swaddles? xx

We just did it until she wriggled free. We would swaddle her in the blanket, then tuck another light blanket over it and tucked it under the body if that makes sense? When she started to wriggle out of the swaddle, we switched to sleeping bags. xx
We have never swaddled as he likes to suck his hands and gets annoyed if we hide them (same with mittens) and also we werent keen as he had a broken collar bone and dislocated shoulder from the birth and so I was worried he would writhe about to get it off and hurt himself but my niece is nearly 4 months and she loves hers!!
We stopped when Joshua was 12lb. Think that was about 9 weeks? I was certain he would not sleep but low n behold he slept finding his sleeping bag with arms out. Not had any problems since either. :-)

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