Connie sleeps like a star fish and her hands are now touching either side of the cot when she is asleep. This was part of the reason she went into her cot from her crib at 6 weeks in her own room as she kept waking herself up whacking the sides of the crib with her hands. What am I going to do? She wriggles a fair bit at night and I usually find she's moved down the cot in the night when I get her in the morning, I put her at the top in her sleeping bag at bedtime. I obviously don't want her hanging her arms out the side and getting stuck. Also I've had to sew extra string to her cot bumpers and tie them down more securely as she's pulling them out and chewing on them at night. I could put towels around it for now and sew them onto the bars but I read on here that babies use the cot bumpers as an escape route when they get to a certain age
. Help!