What a day yesterday!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2007
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you ready?

right i went for my 38 week check with my consultant and he had a feel of my tum and thought the bubs was breech so he ordered a full scan and we found out i had very very low fluid around the baby so he decides to swiftly rush me in to start me off!
from that moment my feet didnt touch the ground, i was told to go home, fetch my bag and get back asap, i rung glenn at work and it was all systems go, they gave me a sweep in clinic and i was already starting to dilate (3 cm's) so i went up to the delivery suite, had my waters broken at quarter to four and by half past six i had a 6lb 5oz baby boy! he was distressed (cord wrapped round neck and body) heart trace all over the place but he is fine now, i am a bit sore but we are chuffed to bits!
sooooo.....Welcome to the world, Glenn Junior! as soon as i get a min i will post some pics, we have just got home and we are still a bit shell shocked to be honest, nearly never got there and its just starting to sink in now how close we were to not havin a healthy happy outcome, we are truly blessed.x
Congrats hun, what a dramatic past couple days.

Well done tho, u finally have your li'l boy in your arms :clap: :cheer:

Laura xx
awww thanks girls, must say it was a shock..lol
here he is at about 5 mins old..
OMG :shock: I wasn't expecting that!!!

Huge congratulations and welcome to the world Glenn Jnr!! :hug:
:shock: What a crazy day!! Congratulations, he is gorgeous! :hug:

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