wetting the bed problem

Tara & Liam

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2005
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can anyone offer any words of wisdom.

joshua was completely dry at nights, no accidents, nothing.

he had his leg cast off last week. and for the last 3 nights he has wet the bed. any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

I know it's nothing to do having his cast off, but has anything happened at school recently which could be upsetting him, or maybe something else? A fair few children show stress through bedwetting. Don't make him feel embaresssed or ashamed for doing it, as it'll only make it worse usually.

If you want to PM me I'll explain a bit more babe xx
hi sami

No i think he is okay with school, unless it is the fact that he will be going to a new school in september. maybe thats it. no we wouldnt dream of embarrasing him about it, saying that i just hope that Jon hasnt been hard on him.

i wondered why he got into our bed in the middle of the night. so not only have we got to wash all his bedding but weve now got to wash all ours. its all fun isnt it.
Kai wet the bed last night too :think: , daddy put him to bed last night an didnt make him go toilet before hand lol.
no advice sorry im in same situation!
i wouldnt mind but he didnt tell us and got in our bed all wee stained,
awww love him. I would say the same as sami. Maybe hes stressing about something. Bedwetting is meant to be a sign of insecurity and that seems to be the case with you. If hes only just started doing it, then it sounds like hes stressing about something :?

When my brother was due to switch school (go to high school from primary) he began to sleep walk. Would walk into my room in the middle of the night and just stand there staring at me :shock: ..not nice at all. But my parents had a long chat with him and got to the bottom of the problem. If he doesnt want to talk about it, maybe get him to write it down and then show you?
davina said:
i wouldnt mind but he didnt tell us and got in our bed all wee stained,

Poor thing, he was probably embaressed. I know it's hard though.

A little bit of an embaressing story :oops: , but I used to do this for ages when I was little, they sent me to countless doctors it went on so long.
One thing which did help, was a sticker chart. Every night I spent dry, I would put a sticker on the chart and it stopped it somehow. I did have an alarm which went off if I started to wee, which would make me get up and go to the toilet.
I think one of the things which stopped me was the landing, it was dark and scared me. To this day amd shit scared of walking accross it in the dark, I swear there is something on the stairs looking up at me.
Now I sound totally mental :roll: :lol:

Does that make sense ?

Definately make sure your OH doesn't make a massive deal of it, making him get upset over it or showing him you are angry about it won't help.

has he hd any problems with his friends from school? Does he know any children at his new school? x
My OH's son is 11 and still wets the bed regularly. We don't know why he does it, he has had the alarm but broke it by weeing on it. The weird thing is, he only wets at familiar places, he never wets on holiday or at friends houses :?
Mason still usually wears the pull up things.

They say it's just because the child is a very deep sleeper...which is true for Mason. Maybe thats why the 11 year old only does it in familiar places Kim...maybe he doesn't sleep that deeply in other beds?
i think it is because he goes into a really deep sleep. thats the main reason. he hasnt had problems with school friends. he only goes nursery and he broke up 3 weeks ago. he is going to be in the same school as 17 of his nursery friends, so there are a few in his class.

DH didnt have a go, he is going to stick him on the toilet again before we go to bed, thats what we used to go when we were training him, so its back to basics.

i dont think youre strange sami, i am the same. the other night buzz lightyear started making a noise when we went to bed so i came downstairs to check and the toy was just on the settee by itself. i crapped myself.
:oops: confession :oops:
I used to do this very regularly until i was about 8, i stopped the day after my mum and dad split up!!!!
Underlying cause was my dad,( brayed my mum on quite a few occaions) which we didn't realise until later

Worse thing though was me and sis had bunk beds and i used to pee on her!!! :rotfl:

So it could just be something as small as you and Oh having words over something or him falling out with Kieron, or picking up on Keiron being upset about his GF
you could be right jo. kieran and joshua have been really getting on well lately since he broke his leg.
How about eliminating drinks after 6pm. A piddle before bed and that should help!

Good luck - poor wee lamb!
Emilia xx
emilia said:
How about eliminating drinks after 6pm. A piddle before bed and that should help!

Good luck - poor wee lamb!
Emilia xx

Sorry to but in :oops: but we tried this and it doesn't work :(
Kim said:
emilia said:
How about eliminating drinks after 6pm. A piddle before bed and that should help!

Good luck - poor wee lamb!
Emilia xx

Sorry to but in :oops: but we tried this and it doesn't work :(

We've tried it too :(

The best way we found was to lift Mason out of his bed to the loo when we went to bed. He's barley wake up but he'd do a wee when we asked.
Now he has a cabin bed with a slide to get down...it's too difficult to lift him up now.
urchin said:
Kim said:
emilia said:
How about eliminating drinks after 6pm. A piddle before bed and that should help!

Good luck - poor wee lamb!
Emilia xx

Sorry to but in :oops: but we tried this and it doesn't work :(

We've tried it too :(

I was going to say that doesn't really work. My mum and dad could ban all drinks from whatever time and put me on the loo 5 times in the night and I'd still do it.
They did mention the deep sleep thing about me, I am and usually have been a deep sleeper. Not sure what the cause of the bedwetting was in the end, but I did get bullied alot at school, and can distinctly remember doing it when I was in year 4 on a trip away with school :oops: Used to get picked on all the way through school summit rotten, but this doesn't seem the case with Joshua at all.

I hope it's a dry morning for you hun, could well just be a little blip. Have you got the matress protector's to put under just incase? xx
yep urchin we do the same as you.

we put joshua on the toilet when we went to bed and he was dry this morning :dance:

Did you get that bed from Argos Urchin as we had the for kieran when he was younger but he was forever walking up the slide.
i dont know much about this but ive heard getting them up in the middle of the night still asleep and letting them sit on loo, then putting them back may help?
harry still wets the bed,its due to gis behaviour problems but also due to the fact he's a heavy sleeper,i wake him to go for a wee,before i go to bed but hes like a zombie,he nearly fell down the stairs a few times as hes so doppy and will just stand there by the toi8let and not do anything,the other nighthe didnt even think and was trying to perch his willy over the edge of the bowl and wee(dont know why he doesnt hold it :roll: ,except he never pulled down his pj's

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