Bed wetting at 4 1/2


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2010
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My 4 1/2 year old keeps wetting the bed:wall2: He's been out of night time pants for over a year now and DONT want him to go back into them. It's driving us nuts:wall2: We make sure he doesn't drink befor bed, he has a wee befor bed, we wake him tell him to come to the toilet but still every day we hear "mummy daddy i need you" When he says that we know he's wet the bed. It's so annoying the washing, the smell the constant showers:wall2: Any advice? x
Has your LO's routine changed any or has he been ill? My LO is 3 1/2 and had been dry through the night for a year when she started wetting the bed for about a week constantly. I think it was because she had a urine infection and was coming down with the cold.

We always made sure that we didnt scold her about it and told her it was an accident. Does LO get in bed with you after or do you strip his sheets at the time?

We kept a spare pair of sheets in LO's room with a pair of PJs so if anything did happen, we could quickly change her and put her straight back to sleep.

It could be that he just wants attention at night time when he is supposed to be sleeping and wetting the bed is one way of getting mum and dad to come through?

I'm really not sure hun but if you are worried i would take him to your GP for a check up. Otherwise, i would just ride through it and hope it is just a stage he is going through.
We change the sheets then get him back to bed, he's not been ill and no change in routine so that's why it's annoying, He might be doing it for attention as we've got 3 kids but he's been doing it for a couple of weeks now. He used to be so good. I might just have to leave it and grit my teeth cos of him still being young. Thank for your comment. x
No problem hun. I hope everything settles down and he goes back to lots of dry nites again x
iknow the feeling! my daughters 4 n half and goin 2 school this year she wtes the bed about 3-5 times a week and has done since she was out nappies at 2 n half. the docs say its normal up until 7 tho and some kids do it till 11! only at the age of 7 do they give u alarms and such things :( at least its summer and we can get the washing out eh?! xxx
Our DS went through a phase of this again a few months ago as well. Its so frustrating when we know he is perfectly capable of getting up and going to the toilet.
We would change the sheets and PJ's, take him to the toilet keeping everything quiet (even if it was 15 minutes before we were due to get up) and put him back to bed. We also started using a calendar again with daily stickers as rewards if he had a dry night and this seemed to improve things and he is now completely dry again although with Reception class in September and a new baby in December we are expecting things to happen again :(

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