went to hospital today


Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2006
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Last night had really bad pain in sides, back and in between rib cage. Had to go to hospital for a check up. Urine ok, heartbeat 154, but fundal height measures 26cms. Problem is I'm only meant to be 18 wks 5 days!! I am having symptons a month before I am supposed to and doctors said I could be further along. Got to wait 2 weeks for a scan. Has anyone else had a heigher fundal height? Or found out they were further along?

my dates have been all over the place... my orginal dates were 2 weeks in front of my now due date and my datin scan put me a week behind my now due date... only a scan at 16 weeks due to a bleed put me at my now due date...

I kno kayzee, in the third tri now, was measuring bigger than her dates according to her fundal height... so u cud possibly speak to her, ill tell her of this thread when she is next on msn...
mine were always way off up to 12 cm but hannah was a very big baby
thanks for the replies

I wouldn't mind being further along (less time to wait) but I am a bit worried about complications
its a great feeling when your dates are put forward :D
Hi hun,

I was told that I was measuring 18 weeks fundal height wise at 16 weeks but then when I went to see MW at 22 weeks I was only measuring a week ahead instead of two. I think it fluctuates throughout the pregnancy, got MW again Monday so we shall see what im measuring this time.

Put it this way, if the scan shows you are further on than you think then at least you will get to meet LO sooner :cheer:
:wave: hiya just noticed this thread, my measurements have been all over the place 37cms at 28wks, 33cms at 29 weeks, 39cms at 30 weeks i had to have a growth scan which showed my baby was still spot on for her dates. i find it depends on what i been eating as i do get quite bloated or maybe its just fat :shock: xxx
thanks for your replies

I do bloat a bit after I have eaten, but when they measured me I hadn't had anything to eat lol

Can't wait for the scan now on 19th october

I'll keep you posted
ooo i got my 4d scan on that day too!

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