My Saga, went to hospital.(long post):opps


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2006
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As some of you know i have been worried about bubs.... And i have been trying very hard to get a hold of my midwife.... Even left voice mail message saying " i am very concerned about pregnancy, i have pains and need to see you for check up and advice" I got no return call.....3 weeks this went on for... Then...
Well! ! ! :lol: Were do i start? ? ? :roll:

I left the midwife phone number with my mum, she is relentless and she called and called until she got through to one of them.... :clap:

The midwife was SO so cheeky to my mum....and my mum is a polite lady too... she tried to explain my fears and get me an appointment before 17th july, just to make sure baby was ok...

I have been having some really sore stabbing pains and not feeling much movement... also being a bit smaller that should be etc....

MW told my mum" it's all a UTI and there's nothing they can do!!!... Mum said she wants reassurance all is well.... MW responded by saying i should go to my GP :x :x :x

My mum was 'MAD' I went straight to hers from work at 3;30....She was so upset at the attitude.... she insisted I call the hospital and explain EVERYTHING! so i did....

the hospital was GREAT! told me to come straight over... had a feel, then put on a doppler.....

I HEARD HEART BEAT! ! ! ! I CRIED ! ! ! Mum cried... MW/nurse cried.. it was Soooo good! ! !" :D :dance: :cheer: I was So happy....

I got another blood work done... and more urine took....

Yes i have pain due to renal problems but also i a more than just a little tender to touch down at my lower abdominals... :roll:

But Baby is FINE ! ! and moving although not as much fluid..... I got told to really up my fluid intake.... Take paracetamol for the pain.... and come straight to them if i have ANY further stabbing pains, blood loss, or anxieties... They couldn't have been nicer! ! :cheer: They read all my notes and said i was to just bypass the midwife.... go for the routine weights, BP, etc..but go straight to them for anything else! they even wrote it on my notes!!!

I am so much happier.. but complaints will still be processed.. including my mum complaining about attitude... My mum worked as a doctors receptionist for years and couldn't believe it... :shock: :shakehead: :oops:
Thank you for reading.. and all the support!!!
Lv yvonne xxx :hug:
What awful, systematic treatment. But I'm so glad you have had a positive outcome, and a better plan for the future. Drink that water and enjoy the rest of your pregnancy! :)
:hug: Aw Thank you ladybird.... it may sound silly but i do feel so much better now and i think I look a tiny bit bigger too :cheer: maybe i don't but i feel better and thats all good... Thank you again.. lv yvonne xx :hug:
Thats really terrible treatment, its awful when you cant even get reassurance from your midwife :x grrrr

Great that all is ok with bubba though, bet it was a huge relief hearing your little bubbas heart beating away! :dance: Im sure all will be fine hun but we just cant help but worry can we ehh sweety :)

:hug: :hug: :hug:
What a relief for you. Fantastic! It doesn't take much does it? Why do so people have to be so awkward :evil:

Why is so difficult to just give pregnant women a tiny bit of reassurance :evil: So glad it all ended well though, fantastic to hear heartbeat isnt it! :cheer:

:hug: :hug:
Glad you finally managed to get somewhere and at least you don't need to have many dealings with the MW now.

and you heard the heartbeat :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Oh my gosh I can't believe you were treated so terribly!! But yay for the hospital, I'm glad you got to hear baby's heartbeat! *big hugs* :hug: :hug:
Glad everything's ok :hug: :cheer:

I can't believe the horror storys I've read on here regarding the treatment of pregnant women :x
Oh my God I am shocked to hear how badly you and your Mother have been treated. Will you complain? I really think you should. My friend is who is due to give birth soon has the most amazing midwife who comes to her house immediately, to reassure her if she's had pain etc. We should all be getting that service.
I really think us women should complain more.
Hun I am so glad everything is ok with bubs and that's brilliant of the hospital to tell you to just go straight to them - they must know what your mw if like - but how dare they treat you and your mum so badly.

Hope you can now relax and enjoy the rest of your pregnancy.
That's good news. I am so happy for you and hope that you can relax and enjoy being pregnant now xx
yvonne i am so so happy to know everything is okay. i was really worried about you after reading your last post. Shame about the horrible midwife, but good to know that you can go straight to the hospital with any concerns that you have now.

Take care x
aww Yvonne im so glad you heard the heartbeat and feel more reasured xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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