Most un-used/useless/annoying gifts


Am loving this thread!!

We got a very large very yellow changing mat with a harness system attached to it:

It's never been out of the bag! Hmm .... anyone want it?
Oooh! Me, me! I want it!..... maybe not ;)

Why is it people don't think they can just give you vouchers if they don't know what to buy?
I was gonna say the same as you V - I loved that people bought me larger size clothes, I had enough clothes as gifts to last until 12-18 - and am now fully stocked thanks to hand me downs from DH's cousin, the Jan sales, and birthday gifts :D

I think its each to their own, I am very lucky that everything people have bought us has been in good taste, and I have found a use for it - the yellow blow up seat for swimming was actually used at 6 months old for Lib, she loved it - and it gave my arms a little rest in the pool :lol:

I did take back some tights that someone bought for Lib for her birthday in size 9-12 months, but I swapped them for the larger size of the same pairs :D

I'll try to think if I got anything useless, but I guess I was lucky :think: :D
X5OT said:

Am loving this thread!!

We got a very large very yellow changing mat with a harness system attached to it:

It's never been out of the bag! Hmm .... anyone want it?

:rotfl: :rotfl: thats not gonna stop baby rolling off it? the mat will just come with him :rotfl: :rotfl:
I think the worst thing we've had is a silver plated photo album (not my cup of tea at all!). My MIL knitted us some cardigans before the baby was born but they were that small they wouldn't have even fitted a real baby!!! Knitting is not her forte anyway :wall:
Other people have sent us clothes meant for little boys which means that they are brown/green cords/emblazened with winnie the poo motifs etc. Now these would have been ok for a boy but not a tiny baby! I only like Finn in blue though :rotfl: preferably stripy!
We got lots of little designer baby gro's - like junior John Rocha, Ralph Lauren, Tommy Hilfiger that kind of thing - Im not complaining but personally I think this is a terrible waste of money - for stuff he only gets to wear a couple of times - its too expensive and he is not fussy what he pukes on :rotfl:

I gave anything he got that I didnt like to charity - he still has loads to do him until he is one.
The MIL gave us lots of knitted cardies. Im sure some people like them but sorry I cant stand them :puke: and she buys hideous outfits. Last week I got a McBaby romper suit :shock: :roll:

I just but it all in a hooge bag and gave it to Great Ormond Street for their clothes bank.
My mil turned up at the hospital when Aaron was born with two babygros (sorry toddler gros) that were made out of that awful scratchy felt material. They were in 18-24 months as well so were huge! One was a tigger print one and was just awful! The other had weird looking teddies on it :? I wouldn't even give them to the charity shop so they went into the bin. Apart from that all the gifts we got were brill :D

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