well she hasnt arrived yet!!

well still bfn so gutted!!!!! quick question- could it be the fact we bd on the 6th/7th jan so could it be too early ??
what cycle day was that? do you know when you O'd?
cd18 or cd19 (it was midnight of cd18) dont know when i ovulate but did have pains a couple of days beforehand
If you went on averages CD18/19 is on the late side to O but if you had pains just before you might have caught it. Hard to say really - I have a 28 day cycle and I tend to O between CD8 and 12 ish so fairly early by averages.
yeah i did think it was late in the cycle that why i thought af would be here.
every other month tho we have stopped bd around cd16 since september and havnt got pregnant so thinking i may ovulate later in my cycle well im 12dpo if i did ovulate so could still be too early PMA PMA xxx
Good luck- perhaps that's why you've not fallen pregnant before then if you O as late as that. Fingers crossed for you! xx
thanks, thats what i think has happened because normally we would have stopped trying by then. cant see why my af would be 5 days late not stressed out or unwell. just a waiting game now i suppose
Good Luck, keep us posted with how you get on Louise
thank you lovely ladies love ya all feeling abit tearful tonight about it on but got to keeping thinking not out yet xx
awww love ya too! hehe! and everyone else - dont want anyone left out hehe!! x x
It must be so hard having to wait Louise :hug: But like you say, you're not out yet.. Everything crossed for you hun good luck :dust: xx
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yeah the wait is killing me!! have been waiting for my period too be late since sept and now it is still no joy!! well im getting so tired and feeling sick something is going on. testing tomoz so will keep you posted xx

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