Well never thought this would be how I parent

We also co sleep in the am, from around 6 till 8 usually, she won't go back in the crib at tht time, also me and oh have two doubles pushed together so bed is massive! Lol, when you think about it its the.most natural thing in the world to do :) x

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I'm interested to know how you're bridging the gap between the cot? L is still in his moses basket and well overdue the transition, not sure how its going to go down.

Don't feel bad, when L is in my bed OH shares the bed too although he is very good at keeping out of the way.
i'm also in the 5am club, usually he comes into bed with me as he just wont settle in his crib after he wakes at 5, ive tried everything, we both seem to get a good 2 hours sleep that way :) after all they are only this small for such a short time i guess we should just enjoy as soon they will be becoming little independent people :) as long as your careful i dont see any harm in it. BFing lying down in bed is a lifesaver when its been a rough night.

Nobody will judge you and by the looks of this thread we all seem to be doing similar things:)
I've now got a picture in my head of all us lovely mums and babies at 5am in the morning

It's the best sleep I get all night I think x
I miss co sleeping now :( Charlie would never be able to sleep with us now hes too wriggly and smacks me in the face etc when I put him in with me in the morning, he sleeps so well in his cot in his own room x well, not SO well but better than anywhere else
I co slept with josh for two weeks. Was the only way we got any sleep. I actually miss it and enjoy bringing him into bed with me on the odd occasion of a lazy morning. I personally don't see anything wrong with co sleeping. The only instance I don't is if my hubby were to. He is a very heavy sleeper and rolls in his sleep. But me, I wake at even the smallest of farts that josh makes. I think us women are more aware if our babies are next to us. Obviously this goes out the window if the woman is a smoker or drinker. They should not co sleep IMO.

Well done you pinky. You have done so well. A real role model for those who want to bf.xx
I pretty much co slept for the first 8 weeks, he just wouldn't sleep in his Moses. You have to do what you have to do! I always said I wouldn't co sleep but enough was enough and you have to look after yourself :)
Sophie generally always sleeps in her own bed as I can't get a decent nights sleep but some mornings she will come in with me from about 5/5:45 till we get up. I co slept with her a bit from day one but was scared that it meant she wouldn't go in her own bed but I don't think it's made any difference.

I always have a sleep with her in the afternoon if we are in and we both lie on our sides facing each other with me propping her up. I love the cuddles and it's the best time of the day for me as shes the perfect size to get a good cuddle off now lol
see i'm lucky harry has slept in his own cot from day one and i've never had any problems i do bring harry into our bed for a cuddle at about 7.30 but i'm awake while he's in our bed x

I don't want to come across negative or anything but I don't see how that's 'lucky' as it comes across that you think co-sleepers are 'unlucky' when, in fact, I feel like the 'lucky' one having been able to co-sleep! Such an amazing bonding experience! Also I don't see choosing to co-sleep as a 'problem'.

I didn't see it like that, I loved co sleeping but couldn't sleep properly for worrying so I didn't get any sleep, maybe she just feels lucky she didn't have to make that choice and worry about rolling on Lo etc :)
I wish Id brought a side car crib, would have made life so much easier! Kynon is in with me every night, maybe not until 4am when Im sick of going to get him and putting him back, I like having him next to me and means I get more sleep!
Yey for attachment parenting!
I wish had co slept. My girls don't even settle for cuddles with us they get too hyper
Isaac wouldn't sleep in his crib when I first brought him home & I was terrified of cosleeping after hearing about the risks of cot death. I was really struggling with trying to settle him all night & getting no sleep & had had a c section so was finding the constant in & out of bed really hard. I spoke to my midwife and she advised me to cosleep! (I wish this midwife was my HV as i loved her advice but my HV is awful, she advised CIO & gave me really bad breast feeding advice!) The midwife said she does it with her LO! She told me how to do it safely & also said that opinion is changing on it as there are studies that suggest it might actually help prevent cot death! Apparently the only times babies have died have been when parents have been drinking or when baby gets trapped somewhere. If you make sure everything is safe then the risks of cot death are lower than with safe cot sleeping as babies are calmer. I think there seems to be a movement towards this kind of thing as people recognize that it's natural to keep babies close. Isaac coslept for about 3 months & now he goes in his crib until about 4/5am & then comes in with me. He also has reflux that was quite bad in the first few months & I found cosleeping helped as he was sick a lot & would choke and I could sort him out quickly. When his reflux is stopping him sleeping now I put him face down on my chest and he sleeps really well! In fact that's where he is now. I'm sure that's frowned upon!
Has made me feel better reading this thread. Brody always seems to end up I'm our bed at some point. Usually from 5am onwards (I tryyy to not before then) but last night it was 3am as he wouldn't settle and he loves sleeping with me. I have to admit, I love sleeping with him too. Only problem is I don't sleep well with it but I don't sleep well when he keeps waking either ;)

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^^this exactly.

Good for you pinky, if that makes everyone happy then why not?
G didn't spend any of last night in her crib!!! Little monkey screamed bloody murder every time I put her in, even tried cuddling her to sleep then into crib. Nope!!

Hope this won't become a habit. Xxx

On my iPhone - so cant see tickers :(
5am cosleeper her he breastfeeds then falls asleep I lay in a c shape around him with my arm under him so I can tell if hes moved etc....I love it, I dont slep well but I love waking uo next to me baby boy and if thats what he needs atm so be it, id give my boy whatever he needs
Like you, when I was pregnant I didn't think I would co-sleep, but ended up doing it and it was a lifesaver, especially with bf. We stopped when LO started crawling as she would roll onto her face and try crawling even in her sleep so she went into her cot then. First two nights she took half an hour ish to settle in her cot but no great issue like people were constantly saying we'd have. Loved it and really miss it. I think it's the most natural thing in the world, and it really irritates me when people parrot things that HV says or guidelines - I think as parents we have the sense to trust our instincts and work out what is best for us. :D x
5am co-sleeper here too! Except this morning it was 3am :( I don't sleep as well when she's in with me though as am a little nervous.
We have co-slept since she came home from the hospital - I actually cant sleep if she is in the cot LOL I love it :)
Ah this thread has made me feel so much better!! I bring max in with me from 3/4 or 5 depending on how he's doing but I have always felt its 'wrong' coz you're advised not to do it. But he sleeps so much better cosleeping so really what's so wrong about it? If he's getting a better sleep, he's happier, mummys getting a better sleep so I'm happier- don't see what's wrong there. These are OUR babies, not the doctors, not the midwives and not the HVs so we make our own choices and do what's best for us :)

It is funny to think of all of us at 5am with our little ones :) I woke up this morning with Max's hand on my face- and just loved it, I think it brings us closer and I KNOW I'm doing it safely so I'm gona keep doing it til he's ready to sleep all night on his own.

Ive been worried he'll get to used to it and will never sleep on his own all night but after reading an article the other day I don't think they become too dependent on things like that til at least 6 months

Omg we do the backwards 4/5am shuffle! He keeps waking up being ry away so I put him in his cot And go back to sleep and he self settles and sleeps to 6ish.

Why is boy so backward? Lol!!


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