well i tested girls...

well i'm still in denile i don't know if i want 2 believe the test..
i'm not getting my hopes up just yet

i even took the test 2 my auntie and she said that she can see it..

i brought another 1 to take in the morning and i'm expecting to c a BFN..

please pray :pray: that it will be a BFP..

if i am it's gonna take a while 4 it 2 sink in after trying for over 2yrs and not getting anywhere..

OMG :shock: :shock: :shock: .. this could be it..
it might actually be happening 2 me..
Please please be careful with CB... I've had thick & thin lines and they were not BFPs, they were evaps, showing up right away or before the 10min mark. Blood test was negative so I'm sure it was no chemical or anything.

I would double check with a different brand or a digital. Unless it's a clear blue line, getting darker every day, I don't trust these CB tests anymore...

Forgive my warning instead of congrats, I really hope this is it for you, you really deserve it after 2 years!


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