Well here's my birth story!


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2006
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Well now I have 2 mins before the next feed I thought I'd tell you all my birth story.
Well I had my sweep on the 30.05.06 thinking it would move things but nothing happened then on the 31st i had my show I didn't know what the hell it was to start off with, I shouted for my mumand she said it was my show, then My OH came home i told him i had my show he was soooo excited but I didn't have any contractions at this stage which made it seem unreal,so we went for a long walk came home I sat on my birthing ball for 3 hours just bouncing, by 11pm i give in and we went to bed.
Then like normal I got up at 1.15am for my usual bathroom break went to the loo came back into the bedroom and i thought 'why am I still weeing' ! :shock: then i realised It was my waters I screamed at my OH to get up and ran back to the bathroom to sit on the toilet in shock for 10mins.
I rang the birthing centre they said come in straight away to be examined which we did, I went in they asked me to do all the usual tests and by the time she had finished the tests my contractions were none stop and full on!!!! that's when they offered me gas and air which I took and they said try and have a bath so off we went for a bath, stayed in the bath for 30mins then they said i think we should move you to the birthing pool so off we went again to the birthing pool, where I stayed for 3 1/2 hours.
The midwife then said we need to get you out so i can examine you as the contractions were coming and not stopping, so we went to our room where they said i was 8cm dilated! within another hour I was fully dilated and was pushing with all my might to get him out, but unfortunately his head got stuck so yes i had to be cut, but by the time they had the stuff to cut me he tore me and out he was. 8 hours from start to finish and my little boy was here.
i had 2nd degree tearing but he was worth every painful moment of it.
So at 9.55am on the 1.6.06 baby Owen was born weighing in at 9lb 12oz.

So I did it and enjoying parenthood to the max.

thank you to everyone who posted such kind words on his arrival post and I will post some piccies later on today.

So offically I'M A MUMMY! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
Big congrats!!
What a fantastic birth story (except for tearing, poor you!!)
Enjoy your baby boy xxx
Well done angie, am pleased it went well for you - it sounds like you didn't have too bad a time of it yourself either :clap: I had 2nd degree tears too and 3 weeks on they are loads better so don't worry they won't be painful for ever - just have lots of hot baths, I was advised to put Badedas in the bath which is lovely :lol: can't wait to see the piccies when you get a minute - congrats again :lol:

:) That's brill angie,it's such a shame that you tore,because it sounds such a nice,natural birth.Well done again Angie,can't wait to see some piccies!!
congratulations - did you think the contractions where as bad as you thought? sounds like a lovely birth - apart from the tearing - hope thats healing now!

yay huge congrats!!

You need to ask Laura to get rid of the 2b off your username!!!

Well done!

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