Jacob arrived, here's my birth story!


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2011
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So my beautiful boy named Jacob Oliver Jones was born at 10.03pm on Wednesday 3rd August. The birth was the best I’ve ever had, it was a planned home birth so I phoned the midwife once I knew it was going to be that day..even though I didn’t have any pain I'd had a show and a periody feeling so knew it was coming, and with a home birth you have to give them as much warning as poss. So MW came & checked me at 3pm and was 3-4 cms dilated so she left me to it. When she came back at 7pm I still wasn’t in any pain at all, but had dilated to 5cms, membranes were bulging so she broke my waters. I still wasn’t in any pain at all though, was having contractions but they just felt tight not painful, so spent the next hour walking around, bouncing on my gym ball trying to get things moving, whilst hubby and the midwives sat in the lounge drinking tea and watching telly, was all very surreal! At 8pm the pains finally started but was still completely bearable..I kept walking round the garden, stopping to breathe through them every 4 mins, they were lasting 45 secs at that point. At 9pm decided to have a bath as they were starting to sting a bit! That worked for about half an hr but then I started to get really hot and wanted to get out..soon as I did I asked for the gas and air as was starting to really hurt! So I was stood in my room having pretty frequent strong contractions, puffing away on the gas..meanwhile the midwives were changing shifts, the new pair had a student with them, the ones who were just finishing were trying introduce me but I was finding it quite hard to respond! There were 6 of them there at that point but then 2 left so was left with 2 Midwives and 2 students. They were sitting around my bedroom letting me get on with it, but I was feeling the urge to push so I told them..someone had a look at there was instant panic, none of them had gloves on and I think they were all a bit shocked at how quickly things had progressed! Jacobs head was born with the next push and the one after that he arrived, half an hour after my first gulp of gas and air! I was on all fours gripping hubby’s shoulders for dear life so he didn’t actually see Jacob’s arrival, but he was quickly passed through my legs and I was able to give him his first cuddle, it was a really lovely moment! After a while Keith cut the cord and then took him off to meet his big brother and sister (my little ones Ruby and Izzy were with my mum but Emily and Sam 913 & 12)were anxiously waiting downstairs to meet him) I had a bath whilst the midwives sorted the bed out and then Jacob and I were able to get into my nice clean bed.. once the midwives were gone it was lovely to spend our first night together at home, instead of in a noisy hospital without hubby. I wish I’d had the others at home now, but at least my last was a lovely experience and I’ll never forget it.:cloud9:




He's gorgeous! Sounds like you did really well!! Well done and congrats x x
Aw, great delivery and awesome result, he's lovely!

Such a lovely story, and you girls on PF are making me want a home birth now :lol:
Congratulations on your little boy, he's gorgeous xxx
Congratulations! That sounds like an awesome birth :). I really hope my home birth goes this well too!
Congratulations! He is gorgeous!

What a beautiful baby! You did so well, so in control!! x
Lol thanks! It was a lovely birth, really nice way to complete my family xx
What an amazing birth story! Sounds so painless!! congratulations he is gorgeous!!
Wow, congratulations - he's absolutely beautiful!!!
Honestly it really was, only the last litte bit was painful but even then totally bearable. It just goes to prove my theory that a lot of the pain comes from anxiety..relax and it's not that bad! Good luck to all of you with your births xx

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