well girls...


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2007
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i tested and it was a BFN

i was just wondering if anybody know if you can get a BFN on the day AF is due but then get a BFP a few days later..

AF is non exsitent, nowhere to be seen, and no sign of her arriving either..

still got all my symptoms apart from cramping, i only cramp alittle when i need to go for a number 2(sorry TMI) but at the moment i'm a little consipated which i've never been constipated since i was 15..

also as of today my sense of smell as seem to come alive even my mum has commented,
i haven't been able to smell in years has i have a constent blocked nose, but even tho it's still slightly blocked i can smell the tinyist of things that no one else can smell, how weird..

so is it possible that i can still get my BFP..

i thinking about holding off on testing until about thursday..

wot do you think..xxxxx
Don't give up hope just yet hun! Still think your symptoms sound really positive and it may just be that you haven't yet got enough HCG in your system to be giving a BFP - good idea to test again in a few days (you have more willpower than me if you can wait til Thurs :D )

Good luck x
some girls dont get a bfp till a few days after a missed period like my sister for example. test in a few days hope AF stays away

It is not over until the witch arrives!.

If I was you I would test again in a couple of days ( :fib: I would have to test in morning sooo impatiant(sp?)

Your symptoms do sound good

Sending you lots of baby dust and good luck when you do test next hope you get BFP :pray: :pray:
Hello hun im totaly baffled like you. i am due on AF tomorro and tested BFN today. :cry: but the weird thing is i got a BFP on a OPK yesterday which you can also use as a HPT i was reading up about it and it is very possible i got 2 huge dark purple lines (like i did on CD10 and CD11 this cycle.). so upset when i got my BFN today was so sure now im just hoping for my BFP with FMU tomorow. we should test together :hug:
Hey! When my friend was TTC, she was 5wks 3dys when her BFP was confirmed. All the tests before that were BFN. I think it just depends on the level of hormones you've got swimming around...

...I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you :hug: xxx
Hi hun, like the other girls have said I would test again in a few days, if AF still hasn't arrived. The hormone HPT's pick up may not be very high yet..
Best of luck! :hug:
thanx girls, i'm gonna test again on thursday if AF hasn't arrived..xxx

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