getting my car on Tuesday! woo its a peugeot, and its blue that's about all i know lol.
i dint even know how i.passed, i was all prepared the night before and then got in the car for my lesson an hour before my test, when my instructor looked at my licence and then we realised the paper part was in my old surname!! so i was like ok i know where it is, or at least i thought i bloody did! spent a good 50 mins looking for the new.paper part and practically trashed the house, almost broke a cupboard climbing up it to look on top of it, started crying out of frustration, my auntie was there as she was minding Charlie and i was so stressed, finally found it folded up realllllly tiny anxious with a load of other papers in my bedside cabinet, by this point it was 20 mins before my test and even though my auntie kept saying she didn't think i.was in a right enough state to take it now i didn't want to waste my chance,even if i failed at least i would have known what it was like.
anyway rang my instructor and he said he was on the other side of town now and he'd have to meet me there so my auntie dropped me off, went through 3 red lights and Charlie had no shoes and socks or coat on lol. and then i had like 5 mins to learn how to do the lights, the show me tell me qs, and wipe my big fat panda eyes.
then my test person came out she looked and even.acted like Anne Robinson, and i could tell from my instructors face that she was the worst one i could have. i got in the car and all the back window was steamed up, so i just put the air con on in hope it would go away, then i didn't put my side lights on, then when i.went to do my bay park i only just got it in the lines and usually i get that perfect!
then i kept rocking the car when i was changing gears lmao, and then half way through my test i realised that my right mirror was pointing to the road so i couldn't see cars but i was too scared to change it as then the woman would notice and fail me.
in the end we got back and i glanced at the sheet and shed marked speeding 3 times so i thought id fail then anyway lol but she passed me!!!! she said "well Kirsty I'm pleAsed to tell you you've passed" i was so shocked, and for the record she didn't look pleased to pass me and started going on about speeding which i knew i.kept doing, i had these big boots on that usually do make me speed a little as i can't properly feel the pedals! but yay!!
sorry I've not replied earlier, i never get much chance to cone on here now as i sleep when Charlie sleeps or do housework or get baby stuff ready its a bloody nightmare! xxx
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