weird feeling in foof

confuzed 88

Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2010
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I have the weirdest feeling in my foof, I can't even explain but il give it a go lol sorry if its too much info... feels like being ahemmed up there lol if u get what I mean
'ahemmed'? :rofl: As in something being shoved in there? :lol:
I get weird pressing feelings that twinge my bladder as if it's being stabbed - not sure if it's the same thing you have, but it's weird and takes my breath away sometimes. I've been having mild cramping/period pain since last weekend too! I think this started when I started on the RLT! Strange! Have you had anything like that? xx
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since last night I've had mild lower backache n weird feeling in tummy, its not painful, I only started rlt about two days ago, only having one cup a day lol oh my I wonder if it could be that
'ahemmed'? :rofl: As in something being shoved in there? :lol:
I get weird pressing feelings that twinge my bladder as if it's being stabbed - not sure if it's the same thing you have, but it's weird and takes my breath away sometimes. I've been having mild cramping/period pain since last weekend too! I think this started when I started on the RLT! Strange! Have you had anything like that? xx

Oooh I've been getting the exact same symptoms as u hun & I haven't even started the RLT yet! x
I wonder what it could be, I'm still getting the pains in my lower back
Hmm - the lower back pain sounds weird! I saw your other post about it. Is baby posterior or do you think it's on a nerve?

Eeee, BabysMomma - same due date and same symptoms! Weird eh? I've upped the RLT. Started on one cup per day from 34wks then up to 2 cups from 35wks. I've just had a 3rd cup today though and now bubs is going crazy in there! It keeps stabbing me in the foofy! :lol:
we're alll due around same time lol.... im going to up my rlt intake
it feels like stretching down below! oh my what should i do

Cross your legs?? :rofl:

I think our bodies are just getting ready hun. I sometimes feel like the baby is going to drop out! It's like that throbbing feeling you get when AF is here...does anyone else get that? It definitely feels like stretching of some sort. Are any of you ladies doing perennial massage? We're doing it every other night and hubby thinks it seems to be feeling better each time (sorry for tmi :oooo:)

This is when the waddle walk really steps in - its like walking like you've been "ahemmed" for a good couple of hours!! LOL
I'm thinking of doing that perineum massaGe, what can I use to do it?x
I'm thinking of doing that perineum massaGe, what can I use to do it?x

I'm using sweet almond oil. I read somewhere that it was really good,but I think any old oil would do. Not 100% though xx

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