weird day....


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2007
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up to now ive been fine...... just turned 30 weeks.......

woke up this morning, got out of bed and as i went to the bathroom, i went all dizzy!! (imagine when your drunk and the room spins)

i panicked...... and went and sat back on the bed!
dizziness finally eased and i got ready for work.... got to work and the dizziness brought on a horrible sicky feeling!
so works sent me home!!! :)

***** is this completly normal?? ***** i did get out of bed quite fast... maybe it was why!!

......and then, to top it off, a girl in our office is leaving today, so we gave her a presentation and i blubbed, and blubbed and blubbed! :cry:
even when i left work to come home, i blubbed all the way home!!!

Is this what the final weeks of pregnancy are like... emotional wreck and dizzy spells! ???????????
:hug: :hug: :hug:
Sounds like low blood pressure to me as that's how I feel sometimes!
It could be linked a bit to getting up fast but it doesn't have to be, sometimes I get dizzy sitting down for no reason whatsoever!!

Best thing to do is try and lie down, preferably on your left side as it's where circulation is best. Always get yourself to the lowest point possible to stop you being able to fall an hurt yourself if you do faint.

As for the crying, yup hormones all the way! :hug:
I got this in my last week or so at work (29-30 weeks). I kept driving in, passing out and being sent home, it became a regular cycle :roll:

For me it was caused by two things; low blood pressure (which you can't really do anything about except keep hydrated) and lack of nourishment - Connie was growing very fast at that stage and sapping my energy. It might be worth eating something carb-based before you go to bed to avoid feeling so dizzy in the morning? It works for me :cheer:

Anyway I hope you feel better soon :hug:
hope you feel better soon hun :hug: :hug: :hug:

blubbing is deffo part of these final weeks, its so embarrasing sometimes :lol:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: welcome to the wonderful world of last tri, yup everything you have experienced is normal! You're not mad or alone! :hug:
hi guys, thanx for your responses.... ive had a couple of hours kip and feel much better now! :wink:

off to that girls leaving do tonight, so no doubt ill be blubbing YET AGAIN!! :roll: :lol:

glad its normal for the dizzy spells...
my boss told me if it carrys on, then they will reduce my working hours to help!

THANK YOUuuuu :hug:
Hope you're feeling better chick!! :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
i don't really suffer from dizzyness, but emotional...definately!!!!!!
Always crying for nothing!!!! :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
ive had this a few times sudden dizzy spells iive had this a few time today though not as bad as thev been in the past.
And im always have emotional crying sessions prefectly normal hun
so you cry away luv

hope you feel better now love
sarah :hug: :hug: :hug:

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