

Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2011
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Hey ladies,
Hope all is well :-)
Just wondering how much weight everyone has put on in first trimester. Im so worried im put uno much on and how much ill put on in rest of pregnancy. In sick of ppl saying your getting or going to get fat too! Its not like I need reminding really!

Ive put on about quiet a bit but ive had an all inclusive holiday (didnt know I was pregnant then) so I ate loads and drank lots :-( also Xmas just ate lots coz I found out just before. But if I thought about it since after there celebrations ive prob put on about 6 pounds. But I prob put on about 4 pounds over all of december with holiday and xmas. I doesnt help that im only tiny 5ft so I know I aint going to carry any extra weight very well. I have noticed its only my waist and tum and not to mention my massive boobs that seems to have expanded but god I wish I could start looking pregnant now lol. Xx
not sure how much i put on or havent but dont think I have ppl said i lost weight had very bad sickness though
I'm due the day after you Amylize :). Even though I haven't suffered from sickness much and most of the time I've eaten pretty much as much as I've wanted, at times I've just really not felt like eating. Somehow in the first month I lost about half a stone and over the last month I've lost another 2 or 3 pounds, yet my mother still keeps on to me about how I need to watch what I'm eating, I need to lose more weight, etc etc. I admit I am a bit on the er larger side.

I'm sure being pregnant is a time to put weight on :) I wouldn't stress yourself about it hon. It sounds to me like it's going on in the right place :). My belly had definitely grown. I wish I'd measured it just to see how much now lol. But I saw myself in a mirror in tescos today and realised I still just looked fat :roll:

Reading your post has made me realise that other than my mom I've been lucky in that few people have made any comments about how big I'm going to get. I wish my boobs had got bigger, so far they have stayed the same size :cry:
I havent had any morning sickness or anything I think I was lucky but I was constantly hungry so I ate lol before pregnancy I hardly had an appetite and hardly ate anything which I think doesnt help when you go from eating nothing to eating loads xx
I haven't put on any weight except for a tiny baby bump.

But I had severe sickness and lost a stone, the rest of me is still very skinny and there's a belly jutting out lol.
I don't think I'm even back to my pre-pregnancy weight, I'm a skinny minnie atm x

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I was sick with an infection when I first was preg but didn't know and have had quite bad morning sickness and no appetite! Altogether I've lost a stone and 3 pounds :( am thinking its maybe a good thing I lost weight early on before my appetite comes back lol.
My sister put on 2 1/2 stone when preg even though she had a brilliant diet but it came off quite easily. Everyone is different hun, I wouldn't worry about a bit of extra weight as long as your baby is getting everything it needs from you, you can worry about weight after birth and if anyone is cheeky enough to comment on any extra weight - tell them you're growing a baby!xxxx

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I'm prob in the same boat - we moved house early in Dec so ate take out for nearly a week, then went off to New York just before Christmas and then has all the junk food over Christmas and New Year to deal with :eh:!!! All in all I put nearly 10lb on over Dec with the thought process that I would hit the gym hard in Jan and get rid of my over indulgent few lbs :oooo:

Then to my surprise (as I had only stopped taking the pill Dec 4th) found out that we were expecting, am now far too knackered to exercise like I usually do and have an astonishing appetite and feels like I'm eating all the time, so am prob now at least another few lb heavier - just hoping that my energy levels return soon and I can get things under some sort of control :pray:

My diet is generally quite good but I havent exercised since finding out even tho I was exercising at least 4 times a week before. I just cant find the energy and this time of Year doesnt help either.
I've not suffered with morning sickness and have generally stuffed my face because I am constantly hungry and it helps with the nausea. I have not weighed myself recently but a couple fo weeks ago the scales told me I put on 3lb. I don't care though, if I'm hungry then I'm eating. Fingers crossed I take to breastfeeding and the weight falls off :)

I put a stone on at first, then I lost alot of weight with ms, so god knows how much I weigh now
Ive noticed alot of women suffered morning sickness, I just suffered with the sickly feeling
i only had the sickly feeling too until tri 2...
Also havent put much weight on its just all bump, i think that as long as you eat right and dont over indulge and exercise a little youll be fine xx
i was weighed at hospital today and have gained a couple of pounds since booking - dr said 2.5 stone during whole pregnancy is normal. xx

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