Here is the Atkins website.
I go onto 45-40g carbs initially in the first week and then down to 35-30g. That's what suits me.
I do think it messes with hormones which is why I am not TTC during it - I am worried it could contribute to miscarriage and don't want to take the risk. But it works so fast that you don't have to do it for long. You lose between 1 and 3g a week. It takes 2-3 weeks for the weight loss to start and you can suddenly lose 7lbs when it does.
I am also off diary and sugar. You don't have to do that though - Atkins allows some. Check out their website for guides to food.
Here is my general diet.
Breakfast: chicken salad with olive oil and apple cider vinegar dressing.
Lunch: either salad/dressing or steamed veg with fish or meat or omelette.
Mid afternoon snack: I have a hemp powder and raw cacao smoothie in unsweetened almond milk. (Hemp powder is awesome protein and keeps you full for ages) Might also have a few brazil nuts or protein snack.
Dinner: last night I had pork ribs and roasted okra and brocolli.
You have to have enough salt and hydrate as you can get dehydrated. The first time I did this I lost 9 stone in 20 months (and that was with no exercise and eating dark chocolate).
I have sugar free chilli sauce on everything! Also you can eat nice stuff like steak, king prawns, sea food, take away if you are careful and avoid sugary sauces and carbs. You shouldn't be hungry at all on this diet once you go into ketosis, which can take up to a week. The first few days are a bit hard but once you are in ketosis your body gets energy from fat. If you want to lose a stone then 6 weeks to 2 months could do it. When you come off it though you will still need to moderate your carbs a little.
Ask any questions. Your partners weight is also a factor by the way. My OH has finally given up sugar and is going to the gym.