diet whist ttc/preg

I'm trying to diet at the moment, starting my new job recently has meant i've lost 6 lb in 3 weeks without trying, and this has spurred me on to try and lose my excess weight i've put on over the last 2 years (all 4 stone of it!) :shock: :shock:

We are throwing all of our Rubbish out tomorrow and trying to go on a Health Kick, I really really want to stick to it because I too am very down about things at the mo, and my weight being a major one of them :(
Hi Guys,

I know exactly how you feel. I lost about 5 stone by about feb last year and now I've put it all back on (and then some). I am so worried about putting on too much weight whilst pregnant and dreading my size meaning I have to give up work early (I really can't afford it). Obviously the babies health is the most important thing and giving myself the best shot at a healthy baby is what I am trying to focus on.

My plan is to try and eat healthy now before I get my bfp and then try and monitor my weight gain quite closely if i@m lucky enough to cath the egg.

I've brought a book off amazon which has some good reviews with some recommended healthy eating plans and guides for pregnancy weight gain if you're already overweight.

The most important thing is to eat the best food possible to give your baby all the nutriants they need and that is going to be my focus and motivation.

I'm doing Slimming World atm as I'm 4st overweight and my bmi is 32.
They say anyone with a bmi over 30 may have trouble conceiving so I don't see why losing weight, as long as it's sensibly, would do anything but help when ttc.
glAd im not the only one that feels like this. my bmi is 27 i think. my weight has always fluctuated but this is the heaviest i have ever been. i want to be a yummy mummy not a fatty mummy.
gosh i think my BMI is like 36 or something last time i looked :oops: :oops: I'm only 21 :oops:

2 years ago I weighed under 9 stone, what happened :oops:
I recently lost 3 stone whilst waiting to try as I heard the changes of conceiving with a bmi Over 30 are greatly reduced. Mybmi is down to 28 but still want to lose another 2 stone which will get me down to bmi 25.
My main reason for losing weightis so when I do get my bfp I will be healthy for my baby.

Hope you get your bfp soon x
Ooo I just worked out my BMI is 32.5!

Diet Starts tomorrow!

Think I need to make a thread for encouragment for me lol!
i read the most fertile bmi's are between 25 and 30 which is the overweight section so i wouldnt try and get too slim ladies!!
Losing weight also helps with ovulating too, alot of people who didnt ovulate lost weight and then started getting proper periods, so i cant see one good reason not to try and lose some lbs.

let's all try our best :hug:
healthy lifestyle and diet is always a good thing they only don't recommend crash diets etc when ttc and pg

good luck. :hug:
KittyMom said:
Think I need to make a thread for encouragment for me lol!
sounds like a great idea!!! im glad i mentionned this now, looks like we;ve got lots of support ladies. yeh lets do it :)
well today i was 13st 2.8lbs

hoping to be 12st 12/12 st 10lbs by the 1st of september as it is all water weight and seems to be coming off fast, when i get to 12st 10lb it'll be hard work - my aim is 12stone middle of october and thats my target weight. and I can't ''weight'' :dance:

keep at it girls, my advice is concentrate only from now till the end of the month, make it a mini challenge and then treat yourself to something nice (non food) at the end of the month if you are lighter than you are now :dance: :dance:
Can I join in... My BMI is 24 but I want 22.5 which means I have to lose around a stone which I really want to do before I conceive

You mentioned you previously had an eating disorder. I have suffered from an eating disorder in the past and still struggle at times. I went to a Dietician for my migraines and mentioned I was TTC. She said TTC and pregnancy is not a time for weight loss, just healthy eating. I can recommend:

The Diet Doctors Inside and Out: The 12-week Plan to Make You Slim for Life
by Samina Showghi (Author), Pam Stepney (Author), Ben King (Author)

It takes an excellent approach to diet and lifestyle without being a rigid plan, more of a way of life. It is actually realistic though, not one of those plans where you are always hungry.

I think that eating more fruit and veg and cutting out as much processed food as possible is a healthy approach. I think it is really important to make sure you are getting your Omega 3's and folic acid and eating food rich in this. I take supplements and sprinkle wheatgerm and flaxseeds on my cereal.

Hope this is useful. I think that if you keep the focus on healthy eating rather than weight loss you are more likely to reach and maintain a healthy weight for you.
Good luck to all you ladies trying to shift a few pounds!!!

I always say im on a diet but it never sticks for very long, i love my tukka too much lololol

Just try and eat healthily, lots of fruit and veg, wholemeal bread and pasta, and oily fish.

Boring I know!!!! :sleep:
Thanks for the advice JPS.

ive been really good the last 2 days, fingers crossed i can keep it up! i can remember how easy it is to become 'obsessive' tho so i need to keep an eye out for that.
down to 13st 1.6lbs,want to lose 15.6lbs by middle of october.

keep at it ladies :dance:

dina well done for last 2 days :hug:
pm a mod?

Just wanted to say I'm losing fast because it's false water weight, not that i am losing too much as in lean muscle weight! I think all the cranberry I'm drinking is just flushing it right out.
Hi Hols

My scales are not as sensitive as yours (where are yours from?) so I will only update after weightwatchers weigh in on a Tuesday!

I have 14 pounds to lose still...
I got mine from LLoyds chemist, reduced from £45 to £15 apparantly, never saw them for sale at £45! They do body fat % too, stones, lbs, and kilograms - i'm still too heavy on them though whatever i weigh in! :( :(

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