Weight Issues

Thanks, I got the letter thismorning, my scan is 1.00pm on Monday, so I'll be glad to know if everything is ok.

I woke up this morning feeling "less sick" and thought I might have a normal day. I drank some water, then immediately threw up!!! And have felt sick as a dog since :puke:

At this rate I won't be able to eat so maybe OH will get what he wants after all! :rotfl:

Piglet xx
You deserve so much better, he's showing you no respect whatsoever. It's so hard to deal with how our bodies have been taken over with all this growing-a-baby stuff, he shouldn't be making things so much harder for you with all this stress.
I'm sure you know you're better off without him, I wish you all the luck and willpower in the world to have the strength to take care of yourself and tell him where to go.
I have spoke to OH briefley and he says it is his work getting him stressed out and that he wasn't being horrible to me (??!!)

But although I know you are all right in that I would be best off without him, don't I owe it too my baby to try and make things work with the dad? If I decide to walk away, i am making a decision that will affect my little one forever and my baby is half of him.
Do you think rather than walk away I should find a different way of handling him?

Piglet xx

(oh, had to change my scan to wednesday becasue of work)
I do think it is more complicated since you are pregnant.

maybe the way forward is to figure out what you want from him.he seems to be calling all the shots. If I was in your position I would find it hard to walk away.

I do think you have to consider an unhappy mom does not help to make a happy baby, so if he is going to continue to treat you badly you are going to at some point move on.

Don't give up your own place while things aren't great.

Going through pregnancy with these addition issues is hard it is a time you need support.

You know your OH better than anyone on here...Do you think things can change?

TC whatever you decide :hug:
Hey Piglet, really sorry you are still suffering. The problem with relationships like this is that we think we can change them, change ourselves to make it all ok. We cant. All that happens is your self- esteem gets slowly worn away. I say you need to look at where yours is already after all these years of dramas and where will it be in another few years? What will it be like for your baby watching you constantly upset and Daddy doing regular dissapearing acts? Sorry if this is too hard hitting but you really need to focus on what this man DOES and ignore what he SAYS for the sake of your sanity. It is amazingly empowering if you are able to keep focused on yourself and forget about what he is or isnt doing. Stay strong, stay focused on making your baby and enjoy it! Lots of :hug: :hug: :hug: 's to you xxxx
Just wanted to know how you were doing, and to say you are entitled to paid time off work for ante-natal appointments (and travelling time to and from them), so work comes second, scans come first :cheer: .

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