Im trapped!

Thank you all SO MUCH for your replies, it really means a lot that you've took time to write back to me.

Well, update - He phoned me this morning, i was so hesistant to answer, but i did, i jus answered with a ''Hi'' and he said the usuall, you alright, what you doin blahblahh, i gave him one word answers and he said ''Your not still being horrible to me are you?'' I thought WHAT THE FUCK. (sorry for my french!!) and then he was like i hate the way you think your always right, i was like we havnt been in the relationship long enough for us to be arguin like this. I told him to sort himself and his head out and hung up. He then rung me back, tryin to worm his way back with apologies. He asked me about my appt tomorrow and asked if he wanted me to come and i just said no. If i want to talk to my doctor about this then, i need to be alone, right? Feel a bit like im pushin him out, but it has to be done.

He has since rung me again and asked if i was alright with him, i just said when you get home (Hes watchin football) ring me, because we need to talk.
What do i say though?
What do i say to make him see, i do want to be with him..but the way he snapped shocked me. Because before NYE he was absoloutly perfect. Maybe it is the stress of becoming a dad but still, no excuse!!

Thankyou all again for all your replies, it seriously means so much to me!!
Hope all you lovley ladies are doing ok!!

**I am considerin tellin my mum after the doctors. She thinks im goin for the pill. So i may tell her tomorrow night..

you could always say to your mum you went for the pill and they did a routine pregnancy test before you next batch and it was positive and you were using protection so its not your fault?? a little lie but it might make her feel better that you were suing protection - and it does happen i consieved alex wharle using condoms (didnt realise they were out of date) lol but still shocking lol!!

You could say to him you dont know if it was your hormones or not but you need some space because he reacted the other day say you just want to be left along for a week or two and just see how you feel without him then you can make your own mind up if he goes mad or shouts then you know your better off out x x x
I'd tell him you need some space for a few days, so that will give you a bit of time to get your head round it all and think about what's best for you. I'm glad you stood up to him and didn't let him tell you that you were the one in the wrong though :hug:
Oh Beth I really feel for you!
Thankfully my ex wasn't physically violent but emotionally he was a complete fiend! When he left I was so angry, I had so many questions and so many things I wanted to just rant at him about. As he left for Australia the truth started to unfold but he wasn't around to contact. It gave me so much time to think and I started to write it all down, just to get the mess out of my head. It all gets so tiring! Try even just writing out key words of how he has made you feel, and concerns you have. I think you need some space to make sense of how you want to speak to him and in a way where you are in control! There's no right answer though, the main thing is that you and your family are safe! There are voluntary agencies who support women who are in abusive or are at risk of abusive relationships, I'm sure your GP or MW will be able to support you to make that contact if it would be helpful.
Stay safe!! :hug:
oooh get rid mrs... yes it will be tough but it looks like your going to end up without him anyway... for ur other babies sake aswell id get rid. and when hes had a couple of months to think he might come back with his tail between his legs a changed man?!?! (how naive am i but u never know!!). if its meant to be hell come running so let him go ... dont take shit off anyone esp for your kids sake you dont want them thinking thats all their mummys worth. good luck whatever you decide xxxx

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