How did you tell your oh?

We weren't trying I tested when he was at work and just left the test on the side on the bath and followed him into the bathroom. The colour drained from his face and he said oh shit! My reaction was it's a dodgy one it's from the pound shop :rotfl: I was so convinced I wasn't he went straight out for more tests, 2 tests later he finally spoke, he picked me up spun me round and shouted I'm not firing blanks :rotfl:

I was 15 when my Mum got preg with my sister, we sat down to dinner and my dad said kids we have something to tell you. I looked at them both and went mum's pregnant! His face hit the floor! He said how do you know! I'd known for weeks cos we always came on within a few days of each other and I know that the tampons in the cupboard weren't going down as quick as normal :rotfl:
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when i found out i was pregnant with my son i did the test in tesco toilets, im sooooo impatient :oooo:

went home and told the ex arsehole and he said "it better be a boy and it better be mine":eh:
my reply to that was a slap across the face:dance:

witht the one i lost i had no clue, i just thought i had flu, it was my best mate that told me to test, i sat in the toilet for an hr just looking at the BFP! then i text the OH and he came in and just hugged me on the loo! :lol:
With Rhys i went to the loo (oh knowing i was going to test.. i was 2 weeks late) then i came out of the loo.. thrust the stick in his face and said 'ok.. we have a HUGE problem'

let me explain i was 18, never wanted kids and i was on the pill too...

he just gave me a big hug and told me itd be fine.. he was on the phone to his parents 2 mins later!

with Ffion i did a test whilst he was at work, it was bfp, so when he came home i told him i was gonna do a test.. i did it and left it on the table.. i went straight into the kitchen to cook dinner and said 'hey hun when that test comes up negative can you throw it in the bin for me?'

obviously it came up positive and he was well excited :rofl: (we were ttc at that point)
When I was pregnant with my youngest son my daughter had been the baby for so long. We were scared to break the news to the kids not knowing how they'd react. Anyway I was about 5 weeks and we all went into town on a friday to get a meal. On the way home myself and Daddy said there was something new to tell them so we decided to play a game :lol:

They each got a question and a guess :lol:

The usuall are we getting a new car, are we moving, are we going on holiday, is it big then my youngest at the time said 'is it black' :rofl: her daddy said 'it better not be' :rofl: not in a rascist way obviously but we're both white :rofl:

I think that has to be the funniest moments of when we told the kids :lol:

my mum and dad have a friend that cant pronounce her r's - when i was born she turned round and said "aaw, is she all white?" meaning is she all right? my dad turned round and just went, course she's bloody white!!

with #1, we'd split up and i was back at my mums. we'd been tryin, but that month i was waiting to go back on the pill cos we'd been having problems, i swear we'd only been naughty once! i was meant to be going to his to test that night, but got home from work and couldnt wait. i sat and cried when i found out, then rang him and said "hiya daddy!". he just said hi as normal and asked if i was ok, the usual stuff. i was like, did you not just hear what i said?? lmao!

with #2 i went upstairs to change #1's bum havign got in from the shops, decided to POAS whilst i was up there. he was making lunch, so i walked downstairs and said that DD had a present for him. handed him the test and he looked at it and went, oh right you're not pregnant!! i was like, nooo, look properly!!
The ex sounds....erm charming Ema :trouble:

hes a fooking eedjit! he had to get a cyst removed on his bawsack about a year ago and "supposidly" the nurse had looked shocked that he had managed to concieve a child cos of this cyst, so my return on that was unfortunalty he is yours cos believe me if he wasnt i wouldnt have ne contact with you! (weve been split 5yrs in july)

so once he has his op, after feeling a lil better but still tender he came to pick wull up (luckily for me wull was going through a "Punching" phase) when i answered the door, my son punched him right on the bobby sack......he was on his knees in tears! :dance:

serves him right for him even doubting his son isnt his, he hasnt done that again! hehe:whistle:
Haha Ema thats brilliant, your son is a little legend!
i told my oh by text. i was doing a ovulation test first and it came up positive so for a laugh (i heard u can get positives on ovulations when ur pregnant) soooo i done a pregnancy test and came back positive. didnt believe it so went up town to get the digital and came back positive.
i was so excited! he was too.
The ex sounds....erm charming Ema :trouble:

hes a fooking eedjit! he had to get a cyst removed on his bawsack about a year ago and "supposidly" the nurse had looked shocked that he had managed to concieve a child cos of this cyst, so my return on that was unfortunalty he is yours cos believe me if he wasnt i wouldnt have ne contact with you! (weve been split 5yrs in july)

so once he has his op, after feeling a lil better but still tender he came to pick wull up (luckily for me wull was going through a "Punching" phase) when i answered the door, my son punched him right on the bobby sack......he was on his knees in tears! :dance:

serves him right for him even doubting his son isnt his, he hasnt done that again! hehe:whistle:

haha thats great! serves him right!
i had to "pretend" to give wull a row, but i was laughing that hard i couldnt!

oooops me bad!

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