Weight issues


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2010
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DD is 6 years old and is quite tall for her age. She is also very slim, to the point that I'm quite concerned about her weight. We don't have scales for humans in the house so I couldn't even guess how much she'd weigh. She eats well, loves fruit and vegetables and is very active-perhaps why she's so slim? She has no 'puppy fat' and none of her trousers and skirts fit, they're the right length but she has no waist so I have to make sure I buy them with elastic adjustable bits on them. OH's parents took us to Redcar on Saturday and they were joking about feeding her up etc as if I never feed her and it made me look at her differently and has made me worry about her weight. I don't let her hear my worries though. OH said if I'm worried then we should take her to the doctors to put my mind at rest but I feel a bit silly taking her all the way to the gp for this, it seems like a waste of time. What do you think? Should I take her to doctors? Just wanted to add she doesn't have worms as I checked just in case.
take her to the gp and check, if nothingelse just to put your mind at rest xxx
she just sounds like a skinny minnie to me hun! we all come in different shapes and sizes! Ks really skinny now too and i've been buying her clothes that are smaller than the length she needs, but luckily with her not being walking you cant tell too much! she fits 9-12m tops but is in 2-3 years in length :shock: if you're worried, pop her to the docs tho :hug:
My eldest is a skinny minnie (well mickey) lol,he's really active but his dad was always tall and skinny so I guess it's were he gets it from...he's 11 now and has to have belts or adjustable waists on his trs (not v cool). He eats like a horse tho,he can easily finish an adult meal in a restaurant and still have room for pudding. I have noticed he tries to skip meals sometimes which I won't allow him to do...he's so busy that he'l just want a bag of crisps that he can eat on the go!
I never make a big deal out of his weight although if he sucks his stomach in he is no more than 3 inches wide!!! But he eats healthy and has a good appetite xx
I'm 5'11 now and have always been tall as a child, you could count my ribs I was that skinny. My mum got a new partner when I was about 8 and he asked my mum what was wrong with me? my mum was like nothing shes just thin but it did make her worry so she took me to the gp.
My mum just said doc said she cant grow up and out at the same time so the taller I was getting the thinner I looked.
Dolly is the same she's 2 two and not a bit of meat on her but monty is really tall but really solid so I think we all have different builds.
Thanks guys x I'm going to take her to gp for my peace of mind but I'm not overly worried anymore x you guys have really reassured me that it's probably just her build and nothing to worry about x
Lacey's the same! She's very tall but very slim! She wears 3-4 year old tops which is fine but still fits into 18months-2year trousers!
She eats very healthy but is very active too but i'm not too concerned atm cos apparently i was the same growing up! Shame i can't be like that now! lol
I forgot to update-I took her to gp and they said she's probably going through a growth spurt so is going up at the minute rather than out! They said they'd only be concerned if she was lethargic, not eating, not doing anything but because she's so active, alert and eating well they're not concerned. They didn't weigh her because they aren't concerned x
Glad your doc reassured you Helen, I was going to say growth spurt, my eldest is a skinnie Minnie too.

He is currently filling out (can always see it in the face cheeks!) and so in a few months I expect him to grow a bit. He is age 11.5 and starts senior school in a weeks time, and you should see the tiny blaser he has to wear! He is wearing 9-10 clothes, and so is his brother, who is 9!

He was moaning about still sitting on a booster seat, (they have to if under 12 and less than 135cm in height), and I measured him in the carpark of homebase yesterday and felt bad as he was already 143cm!! still not tall for his age tho. (his brother also came off his at 136cm! How bad did I feel! (My daughter also lost her booster back, but has a long way to go yet)

( I'm not worried as I was short and my nickname skinnytin ribs till I grew late at 15 !) Rhys eats more than an adult portion now, and alwaysd has seconds.

so as long as you know she eats well, then her body will be doing just fine, she must have a good healthy metabolism too. (she will love that in late life!, I know I do)
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I'm glad you did this thread coz my 15 month old is so skinny you can see his bones!! He is tall, active and eats like a horse but still stays skinny. When people see how much he eats they are shocked and tell me they assumed he had a poor appetite. It's horrible when people mention it coz it's like they are implying I don't feed him.

At least I'm not alone in having a skinny child lol xx
It really upsets me when people mention it, especially in front of her as she's very quick to cotton on to things and will worry about the smallest thing she's heard. OH's stupid bloody mother is the worst for doing it! Yesterday she popped round and kept going on and on about how skinny DD is! Grrrr!

You're def not alone TL but I know how you feel like you are! It annoys me that if she was fat people would be too scared to say anything in case of causing offence but because she's slim they feel they can say what they want.

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