Weight gain


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2012
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So I just jumped on the scales and had the shock of my life! :shock:

Pre-pregnancy I weighed 10st 2lb, 5ft 3 and had a BMI of 26. Now at 25 weeks pregnant, I'm weighing in at 11st 12lb!!! Not moaning because obviously it's inevitable that I'm going to put on weight, and I would put on another 5 stone if it meant my LO came out healthy, but jeeeez! - 24lb gain!

Saw a thread earlier and a lady worried as she put on 14lb and thought it was alot.. :shock:

I wouldn't say I've been over-eating majorly, neither do I feel like I've put so much weight on.. I literally feel like I've just got the bump and not much extra weight anywhere else! :eh:

Is this weight gain something to worry about?
How much weight have you ladies gained since falling pregnant??

Think that other lady was me! I have put on 14lb by 21/22 weeks, although my jeans etc still do up just, I'm all bump and boob so far....

I also know of someone who is 25 weeks and put on over 2 stone so I really don't think there is a rule, I was hoping 2 stone all together but that only leaves me with a stone to put on in the rest of the pregnancy, can't see that happening!x
I do not have a clue as to how much weight I have put on as I refuse to step on the scales!!

Apprently the guidelines state 2-3 Stone weight gain during pregnancy....my SIL gained 3 and a half stone with her last baby and two days after giving birth she had dropped 2 stone of it (guess it was mostly baby and fluid). xx
Ooh sorry, 'that lady' how rude of me hahaha! I do apologise.. Yeah, everyone seems to be different with their weight gain. Just haven't come across anyone who has gained as much as me! Think it's just because I don't feel nearly 2st heavier! xx
I do not have a clue as to how much weight I have put on as I refuse to step on the scales!!

Apprently the guidelines state 2-3 Stone weight gain during pregnancy....my SIL gained 3 and a half stone with her last baby and two days after giving birth she had dropped 2 stone of it (guess it was mostly baby and fluid). xx

Ooo, me too! I hadn't stepped on the scales until now..

Like my mum put on 4st when pregnant with me, but all the info online says you'll gain around 2st..

God knows! xx
Ooh sorry, 'that lady' how rude of me hahaha! I do apologise.. Yeah, everyone seems to be different with their weight gain. Just haven't come across anyone who has gained as much as me! Think it's just because I don't feel nearly 2st heavier! xx

Ha ha don't apologise it's good to be called 'a lady' little do u know!!!!!!

I'm a daily weigher, bit obsessed but think it has helped me not put on too much but at the same time it doesnt stop me eating crap! X
I hadnt weighed myself since 8weeks pregnant..i was just under 11 stone then (im 5ft8 btw). Weighed myself this morning and im sitting at 12st1. Doesnt feel like ive gained much,as im all bump :) xx
I lost nearly 2 stone from being sick but it's slowly creeping back on. Refusing to step on the scales though! Xxxx
i've gained 10lbs at 22 weeks i am not sure if that's normal or not.
Nothing! lol i lost 11lbs due to morning sickness and at 37weeks i have gained 10lbs of what i lost back so i weigh less than i did pre pregnancy. HOWEVER you wouldnt guess i have a massive bump and a big baby lol
Thanks girlies!

I never suffered with sickness at all, and I'd rather be 2st heavier and not have suffered with sickness! Ha - would be my worst nightmare having sickness 24/7! :shock:

Guess it's a small price to pay getting all the weight off after LO is here!

I was 8 and a half stone before I got pregnant..
I put on a stone at christmas (I was eating like a pig, very early days in my pregnancy!) which took me upto 9 and a half stone, then I had hurrendous MS so lost quite alot of weight (dunno how much, weight was least of my worries at the time!) and when I last weighed myself on Tuesday I was 10 stone.

So tbh I dunno how much weight is pregnancy related! Most of my weight though is on my belly im sure of it, as my arms and legs are pretty much as big as they were before! If my hips and tum weren't getiing bigger, I'd still be able to wear all my jeans etc. I can still fit in about 5 pairs though so not bad! x
I havent weighed myself in weeks...have just been going by the look of my bump & how my clothes fit!! Most of my old jeans are quite tight around the waist now and I don't even try to wear them.
Everyone gains weight at different rates through their pregnancy, so its impossible to compare and figure out what is 'normal'. Remember the weight gain isn't just fat...it's also water gain, fluids, baby ofcourse, extra blood.......
I dont think I'm going to weigh myself again until baby is born!! Then I will be on a serious fitness mission!! lol xxx
I haven't weighed myself since Christmas (I was in post-over-indulgence-denial) but when the midwife weighed me last month I came in at about 10 and a half stone, when I'd previously been 9 and a half! :oooo:

Don't know how much of that is baby and how much is Christmas excess, but I too will be starting on a fitness venture come 2013! Getting a good pram that I can push up and down our hill! :dance:
I haven't weighed myself since Christmas (I was in post-over-indulgence-denial) but when the midwife weighed me last month I came in at about 10 and a half stone, when I'd previously been 9 and a half! :oooo:

Don't know how much of that is baby and how much is Christmas excess, but I too will be starting on a fitness venture come 2013! Getting a good pram that I can push up and down our hill! :dance:

same here! I think its all from xmas! x
I'm having the opposite problem, I've lost 11lb since my 8week booking appointment. I've been struggling to eat, and the sickness has come back in the past few days so the little amount I am managing to eat is coming back up =( It's causing me all sorts of problems. I lost weight through sickness in my 1st pregnancy too. I was 2 and a half stone lighter post pregnancy than pre pregnancy x

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