Weight Gain


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2006
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I know this has been done awhile ago but can't for the life of me find it except for tri 3 and kind of wanted a tri 2 comparison!

How much weight has everyone put on so far I have been trying my best to avoid the scales since I got pregnant I walk my dog 3 times a day and try not to pig out, although don't always eat as healthy as I could/should. I am having a fat week so weighed myself this morning and weigh 13 stone 4 which is very scary :shock: my weight on my notes for before pregnancy is 11 stone 4 but I know I weighed at least 4lb more then that before I got pregnant cause had gained weight so avoided the scales (yes I enjoy denial can you tell!) I am 5'11 and was a size 12 before pregnancy and fit in maternity size 12 now so can't be doing too bad but nearly 2stone gained at only 25 weeks has scared me silly! Perhaps nievely was hoping to gain only about 2 stone over all. How much has everyone else gained so far?

i was 8 stone 3 at my booking in appointment and im now 9 stone 6 :oops: BUT i dont know where the weight has gone on as see my bump pics, i dont think iv put on a stone and a bit anywhere :think:
I was doing slimming world before I got pregnant and so have carried on going every week to get weighed. I've put 7lbs on so far which is mostly because of eating loads of bread and not being able to go to the gym due to nausea.

I'd ignore your pregnancy weight. I think you're best off leaving it till after the baby is born and seeing what the damage is then. I doubt you'll get an accurate picture of exactly how much you weigh till then.
I lost half a stone in the first few weeks because I just couldnt eat I felt so ill! so I went from 12 stone exactly to 11, 7 and now at 25 weeks I am 12, 13. I feel huge but I still cant bring myself to eat certain foods and the only thing I want is junk (mostly cake and chocolate) and my big problem is coke (it has to be in a can to be fizzy enough though!) so I really need to work on being more healthy!
I've put on 8lb which doesn't really sound a lot, but I am only 19 weeks :oops: I'd put on 3 and a half stone by the end of my 1st pg and I'm really hoping that it doesn't happen again. But, saying that, the weight just fell off me after having my son and I went down to 9 and a half stone when I was 10 stone before I even got pregnant, so I'm not gonna worry about it too much.
I was 7 stone when i got pregnant, i have since put on 12pounds.....got a little way to go yet though, and all i want to eat is junk at the moment. With my daughter i put on 3 stone.
So far I have gained about a stone and a half, so probs about 20lb or so. Yikes! I'm hoping to only put on another stone max if I can help it, I don't want to have tonnes to lose after the birth :?

FYI I am 5"4 and was 9st 4lbish when I fell pregnant, and am now about 10st 8lbs :oops:

C xxx
not sure how much i have put on but i can definately tell i have put some weight on, majorally because of my trousers that i cant fasten anymore, but the fact that my combat's dont fit now, they are sooo tight on my legs!!!! :shock:

I am seriously going to have to start trying to eat more healthily - i am eating much more rubbish, chocolate, crisps etc than before i was pregnant!
Thanks for all your replies! I have definately gained fat round my bum and on my thighs in the last month or so as my normal trousers no long pull up where before could get them on fine but not do them up :cry: I was so determind I was going to go swimming every week and do my prenatal excercise dvd but have been swimming twice and done dvd three or four times all at begining of second tri, I felt so tired and sick in 1st tri so really didn't do much excercise and now just don't seem to have the time or energy by the time ive finished work, but have a new resolve to try harder to be more active and eat healthier! (which will probably last a couple of days max :rotfl: )
Ive put on about 3lb so far within the last couple of of weeks. But I lost a stone with sickness so still arnt as heavy as I was to start with.....BUT I tried on a dress I wore at 8weeks pregnant and its really tight around the bump area so I know my tummys growing :)
I have easily put on 2 stone maybe more and gone up two dress sizes :oops: I have been swimming over a mile a week so perhaps some has been muscle gain *looks hopeful* My bump feels really heavy already so I reckon, I'm going to have a lot of work to do to return to my size 10 pre-pregnancy body.

TBH I'd rather have a healthy big baby and although I have been eating a bit of crap food, mostly everything is really healthy veg and salad as well as all the proper food groups. In fact I eat much less chocolate now that I did before falling pregnant so I am not too worried. Not counting the weight of your baby, there is the placenta weight and you're pumping round more blood which adds to it too.
I cant bring myself to step on the scales, I got a massive shock at my booking in appointment at 12wks when the midwife weighed me, I couldnt believe how much I had already put on. So I would rather not know :oops:
That doesnt sound bad atall to me.. im more worried that im NOT putting weight on. I always find putting weight on hard (du to my illness) so im aiming for as much as possible!! As long as you and bubs are healthy dont you worry about it. Im sure all the running about you will be doing afterwards will shift anyexcess if there is any.

Claire x
Well i got on the scales today and :shock: i've put on a stone!!! OMG I'm not exactly a small girl anyway so shrimps gona have a hugh muma at this rate!!! :(
I lost 16 pounds with sickness and have put 4 pounds back on. Had 20 week scan yesterday and baby doing fine so now that I'm not worried anymore, I'm thanksing my little blue bump for helping me slim down!! :wink:
Just went to weigh meself coz I havent a clue...Ive put on 3lbs :roll:

I thought Id put on about 10lbs in each boob!! :shock:
I was 8.3 stone before I got pregnant and now I am 9.8 stone. :oops:
When i was booked in at 11 weeks until yesterday almost 23 weeks so 12 weeks have put on 9lbs in weight.. not sure if this is bad or good :think:

i will compare again at 28 weeks to see if im turning into a heffer :rotfl:

take care
I read yesterday weight gain works on rule of 3 if your over weight they like to see about 1 stone gained, a good weight 2 stone and under weight 3 stone I was in the healthy range for my height before pregnancy so guess that means my overal should be 2 stone and not far off that now with 14 weeks to go :shock: ah well as long as baby is healthy thats the main thing but have been doing my excercise dvd's this week so feel abit healthier this week! :lol:
I havent weighed myself for a while now but I will say with my first I put on 3 1/2 stone! With my second and third I put on 2 stone each time!

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