Week Late But So Confused..


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2010
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Hey Girlies... :)
So So Confused at the moment any help would be so greatful :D
So i am now Diagnosed with Endometroisis finally after a year of miscarriages and abdominal pain and dysperunia.
I am on a 32 day cycle normally but last month i was a 50 day cycle (strange) had a full period on the 8th Nov 2010 and according to my dates if i go by my normal 32 day cycle i am a week late today... :whistle:
I took 2 clearblue plus + tests on the 11th Dec and got two faint lines within the 5 minute window didn't get my hopes up to much because it's been a strange year for me..
Thought i would splash out the cash and buy clearblue digital with conception indicator and got "Not pregnant" on both last night 15th and today 16th. Although ( And i know you shouldn't) but i cracked open the tests and they have 3 lines in total.. Two lines on the top and one on the bottom. All blue..
I also took FRER this morning and got a REALLY faint line.
I don't know what to think.. So confused... Should i go with the Clearblue and FRER faint lines? Or trust digi ones??
I have really sore nipples and they are getting bigger and browner not to mention looking a tad ugly with weird vains on them lol. Please help. Will attach pics of All tests. xxxx
Thanks girlies xx

Ps hope you like santa holding the test haha... :) x


  • Ho Ho Ho 11-12-10.jpg
    Ho Ho Ho 11-12-10.jpg
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  • Clearblue digital 8 days late 5am 16th dec 2010.jpg
    Clearblue digital 8 days late 5am 16th dec 2010.jpg
    317.1 KB · Views: 40
  • First Response 16th dec 2010 5am.jpg
    First Response 16th dec 2010 5am.jpg
    436.8 KB · Views: 48
Lovely to see you back Raych :)
I can see lines on the first two hunny but i cant see anything on the third one. Maybe with your cycles being all over the place you ov'd later than you thought, plus i dont think the digi's are as sensitive. Maybe try again in a few days. Hope this is for you hunny and santa brings you the best christmas present ever x x

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Lovely to see you back Raych :)
I can see lines on the first two hunny but i cant see anything on the third one. Maybe with your cycles being all over the place you ov'd later than you thought, plus i dont think the digi's are as sensitive. Maybe try again in a few days. Hope this is for you hunny and santa brings you the best christmas present ever x x

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Thank you honey. It was so hard to get a decent picture of the FRER i can see it in the light lol. Always the same with me. I am hoping that this is the case with me this time, i feel so sick and just pregnant, we haven't even been trying since the last pregnancy so it was just by chance i remembered i was late haha. Hoping i have OV'd later.. will keep you posted xxx
Hiya rachel, love the santa by the way! :-) hehe. I don't have much advice for you hun, I would just give it another week and test again. I waited until I was about a week late (or 5 days I think it was) and then tested with a clear blue digi.

Looking at your pics.. the last First Response, i think i can see something, but i am bad at imagining lines - basically i really wanted to see a line, and thought i could see one.. I have a pic of my FR test, i think i was 2 weeks late when i took the FR test, and the line was very dark on the left. So if this is your bfp it could just be too early and your hcg levels are still low maybe...?

As you said..i don't think you should have opened up the digi - can't comment on the lines inside because i don't know what it would mean unfortunately.

But hun, i hope this is it for you :-), i'm sure the other girls will be able to give you better advice than me as well, i just didnt want to read and run!! xx
I think that dur to your cycles being odd, you could indeed just be testing too early and your BFP may indeed be around the corner!!
Hey hun just wanted to let u know I read some posts a while ago on a website and they said do not open the clearblue digital because there are lines in there and its to do with the way it works and its not a positive. :( I do hope the clear blue is perhaps too high atm for u as the other tests r earlier ones and lower. I wish u luck x
good luck huny FX for your christmas bfp
dont wanna put a downer on it but i did FR last cycle and got a faint white line on it
are your lines pink??
my thread is in am i preg somewhere, but Af got me so i dont overly rate FR now, maybe it was just a faulty test but its put me off trying them again!!
just wait a few days and try again??
haha thats rich coming from a :poas: !!!!
good luck huny x
I'm very sorry to say that I can't see anything hun. :(

I know CB digis always have the lines (well, apparently anyway) and not supposed to open them because it's not the way they work - showing lines I mean? :confused:

I'd test again in a few days hunnie. x x
I can see the lines on the 1st 2 pictures but not the third though so maybe test in a few days :-)

FX for you

Ps hope you like santa holding the test haha... :) x

I thought it was a lovely festive touch :good:

I'm sorry to say but I think it is a mistake to base your cycle on your 32 day ones when your most recent one was 50 days.

It makes more sense to me to assume that this cycle would be more like 50 days again rather than 32 :oooo:

Do you have any idea at all when you had your LH surge or ovulated?

I'm a fan of ClearBlue and i think it is says nope based on whatever lines show up, then it's a nope.

I don't think you're out by any stretch of the imagination, but i just think you have to wait it out - fingers crossed xx

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